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Chemical and isotopic compositions of rocks and minerals from the Ashadze and Logachev hydrothermal fields, Mid-Atlantic Ridge

This study was aimed at reconstructing a sequence of events in the magmatic and metamorphic evolution of peridotites, gabbroids, and trondhjemites from internal oceanic complexes of the Ashadze and Logachev hydrothermal vent fields. Collections of plutonic rocks from Cruises 22 and 26 of R/V "Professor Logachev", Cruise 41 of R/V "Akademik Mstislav Keldysh", and from the Serpentine Russian-French expedition aboard R/V "Pourquoi pas?" were objects of this study. Data reported here suggest that the internal oceanic complexes of the Ashadze and Logachev fields formed via the same scenario in these two regions of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. On the other hand, an analysis of petrological and geochemical characteristics of the rocks indicated that the internal oceanic complexes of the MAR axial zone between 12°58'N and 14°45'N show pronounced petrological and geochemical heterogeneity manifested in variations in degree of depletion of mantle residues and in Nd isotopic compositions of rocks from the gabbro-peridotite association. Trondhjemites from the Ashadze hydrothermal field can be considered as partial melting products of gabbroids under influence of hydrothermal fluids. It was supposed that presence of trondhjemites in internal oceanic complexes of MAR can be used as a marker for the highest temperature deep-rooted hydrothermal systems. Perhaps, the region of the MAR axial zone, in which petrologically and geochemically contrasting internal oceanic complexes are spatially superimposed, serves as an area for development of large hydrothermal clusters with considerable ore-forming potential.

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Silantyev, Sergey A, Krasnova, E A, Cannat, Mathilde, Bortnikov, Nikolay S, Kononkova, N N, Beltenev, V E (2011). Dataset: Chemical and isotopic compositions of rocks and minerals from the Ashadze and Logachev hydrothermal fields, Mid-Atlantic Ridge.

DOI retrieved: 2011

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-3.0
Author Silantyev, Sergey A
Given Name Sergey A
Family Name Silantyev
More Authors
Krasnova, E A
Cannat, Mathilde
Bortnikov, Nikolay S
Kononkova, N N
Beltenev, V E
Source Creation 2011
Publication Year 2011
Resource Type application/zip - filename: Silantyev_2011
Subject Areas
Name: Chemistry

Name: Lithosphere

Related Identifiers
Title: Peridotite-gabbro-trondhjemite association of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge between 12°58' and 14°45'N: Ashadze and Logachev hydrothermal vent fields
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2011
Source: Translated from Geokhimiya, 2011, 49(4), 339-372
Authors: Silantyev Sergey A , Krasnova E A , Bortnikov Nikolay S , Beltenev V E , Kononkova N N , Cannat Mathilde .