Submarine melt rates, plume dynamics, hydrography, and ice base topography at 79NG

The zip file contains: - Submarine melt rates and plume dynamics at 79NG simulated using the 1D Ice Shelf Water plume model from Jenkins, 1991 (STANDARDrun60.dat).
- Hydrography measured in the cavity of the 79NG using a CTD as obtained in September 2009 by Wilson and Straneo, 2015 (ctd23.dat).
- Processed ice base topography along the centreline of the 79NG, modified from RTopo2, Schaffer et al., 2016 (ice_base_topography.dat).
- 1D ISW plume model based on Jenkins, 1991; Smedsrud and Jenkins, 2004; Jenkins, 2011 (.mat).
- MATLAB script to plot submarine melt rates and plume dynamics (plot_it.mat).

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Cite this as

Anhaus, Philipp, Smedsrud, Lars Henrik, Årthun, Marius, Straneo, Fiammetta (2024). Dataset: Submarine melt rates, plume dynamics, hydrography, and ice base topography at 79NG.

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Anhaus, Philipp
Given Name Philipp
Family Name Anhaus
More Authors
Smedsrud, Lars Henrik
Årthun, Marius
Straneo, Fiammetta
Subject Areas
Name: Ecology

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