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Elemental and isotopic compositions of metalliferous and pelagic sediments from the Galapagos mounds area, data of DSDP Leg 70

Nontronite, the main metalliferous phase of the Galapagos mounds, occurs at a subsurface depth of ~2–20 m; Mn-oxide material is limited to the upper 2 m of these mounds. The nontronite forms intervals of up to a few metres thickness, consisting essentially of 100% nontronite granules, which alternate with intervals of normal pelagic sediment. The metalliferous phases represent essentially authigenic precipitates, apparently formed in the presence of upwelling basement-derived hydrothermal solutions which dissolved pre-existent pelagic sediment. Electron microprobe analyses of nontronite granules from different core samples indicate that: (1) there is little difference in major-element composition between nontronitic material from varying locations within the mounds; and (2) adjacent granules from a given sample have very similar compositions and are internally homogeneous. This indicates that the granules are composed of a single mineral of essentially constant composition, consistent with relatively uniform conditions of solution Eh and composition during nontronite formation. The Pb-isotopic composition of the nontronite and Mn-oxide sediments indicates that they were formed from solutions which contained variable proportions of basaltic Pb, introduced into pore waters by basement-derived solutions, and of normal-seawater Pb. However, the Sr-isotopic composition of these sediments is essentially indistinguishable from the value for modern seawater. On the basis of 18O/16O ratios, formation temperatures of ~20–30°C have been estimated for the nontronites. By comparison, temperatures of up to 11.5°C at 9 m depth have been directly measured within the mounds and heat flow data suggest present basement-sediment interface temperatures of 15–25°C.

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Barrett, T J, Friedrichsen, Hans (1982). Dataset: Elemental and isotopic compositions of metalliferous and pelagic sediments from the Galapagos mounds area, data of DSDP Leg 70.

DOI retrieved: 1982

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-3.0
Author Barrett, T J
Given Name T J
Family Name Barrett
More Authors
Friedrichsen, Hans
Source Creation 1982
Publication Year 1982
Resource Type application/zip - filename: DSDPLeg70_elem_isot
Subject Areas
Name: Chemistry

Name: Lithosphere

Related Identifiers
Title: Elemental and isotopic compositions of some metalliferous and pelagic sediments from the Galapagos mounds area, DSDP Leg 70
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 1982
Source: Chemical Geology
Authors: Barrett T J , Friedrichsen Hans .