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Multi-scale data on macrobenthic biodiversity and environmental variables along Eurasian Arctic shelf seas

Within the project The Changing Arctic Transpolar System (CATS) we compiled macrobenthic community data from previously conducted ship expeditions into the Arctic Ocean. These data were cleaned and harmonized and comprise 1500 different taxa in 363 sampling points in the Eurasian Arctic covering marine regions from the Barents Sea to the East Siberian Sea. Furthermore, we acquired data on 12 different environmental variables fitting to the sampling locations from the biotic data.

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Hansen, Miriam Lea Sarah, Piepenburg, Dieter, Pantiukhin, Dmitrii, Kraan, Casper (2019). Dataset: Multi-scale data on macrobenthic biodiversity and environmental variables along Eurasian Arctic shelf seas.

DOI retrieved: 2019

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Hansen, Miriam Lea Sarah
Given Name Miriam Lea Sarah
Family Name Hansen
More Authors
Piepenburg, Dieter
Pantiukhin, Dmitrii
Kraan, Casper
Source Creation 2019
Publication Year 2019
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: Hansen-etal_2019
Subject Areas
Name: Chemistry

Name: Ecology

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Title: Unraveling the effects of environmental drivers and spatial structure on benthic species distribution patterns in Eurasian-Arctic seas (Barents, Kara and Laptev Seas)
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 2020
Source: Polar Biology
Authors: Hansen Miriam Lea Sarah , Piepenburg Dieter , Pantiukhin Dmitrii , Kraan Casper .

Title: Benthic fauna in soft sediments from the Barents and Pechora Seas
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2017
Authors: Andrade Hector , Renaud Paul E , Wlodarska-Kowalczuk Maria , Pardus Joanna , Carroll Michael L , Cochrane Sabine K J , Dahle Salve , Palerud Rune , Basher Z , Bowden D A , Costello Mark J , Behrenfeld Michael J , Boss Emmanuel , Siegel David A , Shea D M , Carroll Michael L , Denisenko Stanislav G , Renaud Paul E , Ambrose William G Jr , Degen Renate , Vedenin Andrey , Gusky Manuela , Boetius Antje , Brey Thomas , Garcia H E , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Boyer Timothy P , Locarnini Ricardo A , Zweng M M , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Seidov Dan , Reagan James R , Garcia H E , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Boyer Timothy P , Locarnini Ricardo A , Zweng M M , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Seidov Dan , Reagan James R , Jakobsson Martin , Mayer Larry , Coakley B , Dowdeswell Julian A , Forbes Steve , Fridman Boris , Hodnesdal Hanne , Noormets Riko , Pedersen Richard , Rebesco Michele , Schenke Hans Werner , Zarayskaya Yulia , Accettella Daniela , Armstrong Andrew , Anderson Robert M , Bienhoff Paul , Camerlenghi Angelo , Church Ian , Edwards Margo , Gardner James V , Hall John K , Hell Benjamin , Hestvik Ole , Kristoffersen Yngve , Marcussen Christian , Mohammad Rezwan , Mosher David C , Nghiem Son V , Pedrosa Maria Teresa , Travaglini Paola G , Weatherall Pauline , Locarnini Ricardo A , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Boyer Timothy P , Zweng M M , Garcia H E , Reagan James R , Seidov Dan , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Pantiukhin Dmitrii , Popova Elena , Piepenburg Dieter , Kraan Casper , Schmid Michael K , Piepenburg Dieter , Golikov A A , von Juterzenka Karen , Petryashov Victor , Spindler Michael , Suess Erwin , Walsh John E , Fetterer Florence , Stewart J Scott , Chapman William L , Wlodarska-Kowalczuk Maria , Kendall Michael A , Węsławski Jan Marcin , Klages Michael , Soltwedel Thomas , Zweng M M , Reagan James R , Seidov Dan , Boyer Timothy P , Locarnini Ricardo A , Garcia H E , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I .

Title: Global Marine Environment Datasets (GMED)
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2018
Source: World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 2.0 (Rev.02.2018)
Authors: Andrade Hector , Renaud Paul E , Wlodarska-Kowalczuk Maria , Pardus Joanna , Carroll Michael L , Cochrane Sabine K J , Dahle Salve , Palerud Rune , Basher Z , Bowden D A , Costello Mark J , Behrenfeld Michael J , Boss Emmanuel , Siegel David A , Shea D M , Carroll Michael L , Denisenko Stanislav G , Renaud Paul E , Ambrose William G Jr , Degen Renate , Vedenin Andrey , Gusky Manuela , Boetius Antje , Brey Thomas , Garcia H E , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Boyer Timothy P , Locarnini Ricardo A , Zweng M M , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Seidov Dan , Reagan James R , Garcia H E , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Boyer Timothy P , Locarnini Ricardo A , Zweng M M , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Seidov Dan , Reagan James R , Jakobsson Martin , Mayer Larry , Coakley B , Dowdeswell Julian A , Forbes Steve , Fridman Boris , Hodnesdal Hanne , Noormets Riko , Pedersen Richard , Rebesco Michele , Schenke Hans Werner , Zarayskaya Yulia , Accettella Daniela , Armstrong Andrew , Anderson Robert M , Bienhoff Paul , Camerlenghi Angelo , Church Ian , Edwards Margo , Gardner James V , Hall John K , Hell Benjamin , Hestvik Ole , Kristoffersen Yngve , Marcussen Christian , Mohammad Rezwan , Mosher David C , Nghiem Son V , Pedrosa Maria Teresa , Travaglini Paola G , Weatherall Pauline , Locarnini Ricardo A , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Boyer Timothy P , Zweng M M , Garcia H E , Reagan James R , Seidov Dan , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Pantiukhin Dmitrii , Popova Elena , Piepenburg Dieter , Kraan Casper , Schmid Michael K , Piepenburg Dieter , Golikov A A , von Juterzenka Karen , Petryashov Victor , Spindler Michael , Suess Erwin , Walsh John E , Fetterer Florence , Stewart J Scott , Chapman William L , Wlodarska-Kowalczuk Maria , Kendall Michael A , Węsławski Jan Marcin , Klages Michael , Soltwedel Thomas , Zweng M M , Reagan James R , Seidov Dan , Boyer Timothy P , Locarnini Ricardo A , Garcia H E , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I .

Title: Carbon-based ocean productivity and phytoplankton physiology from space
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2005
Source: Global Biogeochemical Cycles
Authors: Andrade Hector , Renaud Paul E , Wlodarska-Kowalczuk Maria , Pardus Joanna , Carroll Michael L , Cochrane Sabine K J , Dahle Salve , Palerud Rune , Basher Z , Bowden D A , Costello Mark J , Behrenfeld Michael J , Boss Emmanuel , Siegel David A , Shea D M , Carroll Michael L , Denisenko Stanislav G , Renaud Paul E , Ambrose William G Jr , Degen Renate , Vedenin Andrey , Gusky Manuela , Boetius Antje , Brey Thomas , Garcia H E , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Boyer Timothy P , Locarnini Ricardo A , Zweng M M , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Seidov Dan , Reagan James R , Garcia H E , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Boyer Timothy P , Locarnini Ricardo A , Zweng M M , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Seidov Dan , Reagan James R , Jakobsson Martin , Mayer Larry , Coakley B , Dowdeswell Julian A , Forbes Steve , Fridman Boris , Hodnesdal Hanne , Noormets Riko , Pedersen Richard , Rebesco Michele , Schenke Hans Werner , Zarayskaya Yulia , Accettella Daniela , Armstrong Andrew , Anderson Robert M , Bienhoff Paul , Camerlenghi Angelo , Church Ian , Edwards Margo , Gardner James V , Hall John K , Hell Benjamin , Hestvik Ole , Kristoffersen Yngve , Marcussen Christian , Mohammad Rezwan , Mosher David C , Nghiem Son V , Pedrosa Maria Teresa , Travaglini Paola G , Weatherall Pauline , Locarnini Ricardo A , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Boyer Timothy P , Zweng M M , Garcia H E , Reagan James R , Seidov Dan , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Pantiukhin Dmitrii , Popova Elena , Piepenburg Dieter , Kraan Casper , Schmid Michael K , Piepenburg Dieter , Golikov A A , von Juterzenka Karen , Petryashov Victor , Spindler Michael , Suess Erwin , Walsh John E , Fetterer Florence , Stewart J Scott , Chapman William L , Wlodarska-Kowalczuk Maria , Kendall Michael A , Węsławski Jan Marcin , Klages Michael , Soltwedel Thomas , Zweng M M , Reagan James R , Seidov Dan , Boyer Timothy P , Locarnini Ricardo A , Garcia H E , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I .

Title: Benthic infauna of the seasonally ice-covered western Barents Sea: Patterns and relationships to environmental forcing
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2008
Source: Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography
Authors: Andrade Hector , Renaud Paul E , Wlodarska-Kowalczuk Maria , Pardus Joanna , Carroll Michael L , Cochrane Sabine K J , Dahle Salve , Palerud Rune , Basher Z , Bowden D A , Costello Mark J , Behrenfeld Michael J , Boss Emmanuel , Siegel David A , Shea D M , Carroll Michael L , Denisenko Stanislav G , Renaud Paul E , Ambrose William G Jr , Degen Renate , Vedenin Andrey , Gusky Manuela , Boetius Antje , Brey Thomas , Garcia H E , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Boyer Timothy P , Locarnini Ricardo A , Zweng M M , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Seidov Dan , Reagan James R , Garcia H E , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Boyer Timothy P , Locarnini Ricardo A , Zweng M M , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Seidov Dan , Reagan James R , Jakobsson Martin , Mayer Larry , Coakley B , Dowdeswell Julian A , Forbes Steve , Fridman Boris , Hodnesdal Hanne , Noormets Riko , Pedersen Richard , Rebesco Michele , Schenke Hans Werner , Zarayskaya Yulia , Accettella Daniela , Armstrong Andrew , Anderson Robert M , Bienhoff Paul , Camerlenghi Angelo , Church Ian , Edwards Margo , Gardner James V , Hall John K , Hell Benjamin , Hestvik Ole , Kristoffersen Yngve , Marcussen Christian , Mohammad Rezwan , Mosher David C , Nghiem Son V , Pedrosa Maria Teresa , Travaglini Paola G , Weatherall Pauline , Locarnini Ricardo A , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Boyer Timothy P , Zweng M M , Garcia H E , Reagan James R , Seidov Dan , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Pantiukhin Dmitrii , Popova Elena , Piepenburg Dieter , Kraan Casper , Schmid Michael K , Piepenburg Dieter , Golikov A A , von Juterzenka Karen , Petryashov Victor , Spindler Michael , Suess Erwin , Walsh John E , Fetterer Florence , Stewart J Scott , Chapman William L , Wlodarska-Kowalczuk Maria , Kendall Michael A , Węsławski Jan Marcin , Klages Michael , Soltwedel Thomas , Zweng M M , Reagan James R , Seidov Dan , Boyer Timothy P , Locarnini Ricardo A , Garcia H E , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I .

Title: Patterns and trends of macrobenthic abundance, biomass and production in the deep Arctic Ocean
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2015
Source: Polar Research
Authors: Andrade Hector , Renaud Paul E , Wlodarska-Kowalczuk Maria , Pardus Joanna , Carroll Michael L , Cochrane Sabine K J , Dahle Salve , Palerud Rune , Basher Z , Bowden D A , Costello Mark J , Behrenfeld Michael J , Boss Emmanuel , Siegel David A , Shea D M , Carroll Michael L , Denisenko Stanislav G , Renaud Paul E , Ambrose William G Jr , Degen Renate , Vedenin Andrey , Gusky Manuela , Boetius Antje , Brey Thomas , Garcia H E , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Boyer Timothy P , Locarnini Ricardo A , Zweng M M , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Seidov Dan , Reagan James R , Garcia H E , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Boyer Timothy P , Locarnini Ricardo A , Zweng M M , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Seidov Dan , Reagan James R , Jakobsson Martin , Mayer Larry , Coakley B , Dowdeswell Julian A , Forbes Steve , Fridman Boris , Hodnesdal Hanne , Noormets Riko , Pedersen Richard , Rebesco Michele , Schenke Hans Werner , Zarayskaya Yulia , Accettella Daniela , Armstrong Andrew , Anderson Robert M , Bienhoff Paul , Camerlenghi Angelo , Church Ian , Edwards Margo , Gardner James V , Hall John K , Hell Benjamin , Hestvik Ole , Kristoffersen Yngve , Marcussen Christian , Mohammad Rezwan , Mosher David C , Nghiem Son V , Pedrosa Maria Teresa , Travaglini Paola G , Weatherall Pauline , Locarnini Ricardo A , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Boyer Timothy P , Zweng M M , Garcia H E , Reagan James R , Seidov Dan , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Pantiukhin Dmitrii , Popova Elena , Piepenburg Dieter , Kraan Casper , Schmid Michael K , Piepenburg Dieter , Golikov A A , von Juterzenka Karen , Petryashov Victor , Spindler Michael , Suess Erwin , Walsh John E , Fetterer Florence , Stewart J Scott , Chapman William L , Wlodarska-Kowalczuk Maria , Kendall Michael A , Węsławski Jan Marcin , Klages Michael , Soltwedel Thomas , Zweng M M , Reagan James R , Seidov Dan , Boyer Timothy P , Locarnini Ricardo A , Garcia H E , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I .

Title: World Ocean Atlas 2018, Volume 3: Dissolved Oxygen, Apparent Oxygen Utilization, and Oxygen Saturation
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2019
Source: In: Mishonov, A.. (Technical Ed.), NOAA Atlas NESDIS 83
Authors: Andrade Hector , Renaud Paul E , Wlodarska-Kowalczuk Maria , Pardus Joanna , Carroll Michael L , Cochrane Sabine K J , Dahle Salve , Palerud Rune , Basher Z , Bowden D A , Costello Mark J , Behrenfeld Michael J , Boss Emmanuel , Siegel David A , Shea D M , Carroll Michael L , Denisenko Stanislav G , Renaud Paul E , Ambrose William G Jr , Degen Renate , Vedenin Andrey , Gusky Manuela , Boetius Antje , Brey Thomas , Garcia H E , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Boyer Timothy P , Locarnini Ricardo A , Zweng M M , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Seidov Dan , Reagan James R , Garcia H E , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Boyer Timothy P , Locarnini Ricardo A , Zweng M M , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Seidov Dan , Reagan James R , Jakobsson Martin , Mayer Larry , Coakley B , Dowdeswell Julian A , Forbes Steve , Fridman Boris , Hodnesdal Hanne , Noormets Riko , Pedersen Richard , Rebesco Michele , Schenke Hans Werner , Zarayskaya Yulia , Accettella Daniela , Armstrong Andrew , Anderson Robert M , Bienhoff Paul , Camerlenghi Angelo , Church Ian , Edwards Margo , Gardner James V , Hall John K , Hell Benjamin , Hestvik Ole , Kristoffersen Yngve , Marcussen Christian , Mohammad Rezwan , Mosher David C , Nghiem Son V , Pedrosa Maria Teresa , Travaglini Paola G , Weatherall Pauline , Locarnini Ricardo A , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Boyer Timothy P , Zweng M M , Garcia H E , Reagan James R , Seidov Dan , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Pantiukhin Dmitrii , Popova Elena , Piepenburg Dieter , Kraan Casper , Schmid Michael K , Piepenburg Dieter , Golikov A A , von Juterzenka Karen , Petryashov Victor , Spindler Michael , Suess Erwin , Walsh John E , Fetterer Florence , Stewart J Scott , Chapman William L , Wlodarska-Kowalczuk Maria , Kendall Michael A , Węsławski Jan Marcin , Klages Michael , Soltwedel Thomas , Zweng M M , Reagan James R , Seidov Dan , Boyer Timothy P , Locarnini Ricardo A , Garcia H E , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I .

Title: World Ocean Atlas 2018, Volume 4: Dissolved Inorganic Nutrients (phosphate, nitrate, silicate)
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2019
Source: In: Mishonov, A.. (Technical Ed.), NOAA Atlas NESDIS 84
Authors: Andrade Hector , Renaud Paul E , Wlodarska-Kowalczuk Maria , Pardus Joanna , Carroll Michael L , Cochrane Sabine K J , Dahle Salve , Palerud Rune , Basher Z , Bowden D A , Costello Mark J , Behrenfeld Michael J , Boss Emmanuel , Siegel David A , Shea D M , Carroll Michael L , Denisenko Stanislav G , Renaud Paul E , Ambrose William G Jr , Degen Renate , Vedenin Andrey , Gusky Manuela , Boetius Antje , Brey Thomas , Garcia H E , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Boyer Timothy P , Locarnini Ricardo A , Zweng M M , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Seidov Dan , Reagan James R , Garcia H E , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Boyer Timothy P , Locarnini Ricardo A , Zweng M M , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Seidov Dan , Reagan James R , Jakobsson Martin , Mayer Larry , Coakley B , Dowdeswell Julian A , Forbes Steve , Fridman Boris , Hodnesdal Hanne , Noormets Riko , Pedersen Richard , Rebesco Michele , Schenke Hans Werner , Zarayskaya Yulia , Accettella Daniela , Armstrong Andrew , Anderson Robert M , Bienhoff Paul , Camerlenghi Angelo , Church Ian , Edwards Margo , Gardner James V , Hall John K , Hell Benjamin , Hestvik Ole , Kristoffersen Yngve , Marcussen Christian , Mohammad Rezwan , Mosher David C , Nghiem Son V , Pedrosa Maria Teresa , Travaglini Paola G , Weatherall Pauline , Locarnini Ricardo A , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Boyer Timothy P , Zweng M M , Garcia H E , Reagan James R , Seidov Dan , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Pantiukhin Dmitrii , Popova Elena , Piepenburg Dieter , Kraan Casper , Schmid Michael K , Piepenburg Dieter , Golikov A A , von Juterzenka Karen , Petryashov Victor , Spindler Michael , Suess Erwin , Walsh John E , Fetterer Florence , Stewart J Scott , Chapman William L , Wlodarska-Kowalczuk Maria , Kendall Michael A , Węsławski Jan Marcin , Klages Michael , Soltwedel Thomas , Zweng M M , Reagan James R , Seidov Dan , Boyer Timothy P , Locarnini Ricardo A , Garcia H E , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I .

Title: The International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean (IBCAO) Version 3.0
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2012
Source: Geophysical Research Letters
Authors: Andrade Hector , Renaud Paul E , Wlodarska-Kowalczuk Maria , Pardus Joanna , Carroll Michael L , Cochrane Sabine K J , Dahle Salve , Palerud Rune , Basher Z , Bowden D A , Costello Mark J , Behrenfeld Michael J , Boss Emmanuel , Siegel David A , Shea D M , Carroll Michael L , Denisenko Stanislav G , Renaud Paul E , Ambrose William G Jr , Degen Renate , Vedenin Andrey , Gusky Manuela , Boetius Antje , Brey Thomas , Garcia H E , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Boyer Timothy P , Locarnini Ricardo A , Zweng M M , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Seidov Dan , Reagan James R , Garcia H E , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Boyer Timothy P , Locarnini Ricardo A , Zweng M M , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Seidov Dan , Reagan James R , Jakobsson Martin , Mayer Larry , Coakley B , Dowdeswell Julian A , Forbes Steve , Fridman Boris , Hodnesdal Hanne , Noormets Riko , Pedersen Richard , Rebesco Michele , Schenke Hans Werner , Zarayskaya Yulia , Accettella Daniela , Armstrong Andrew , Anderson Robert M , Bienhoff Paul , Camerlenghi Angelo , Church Ian , Edwards Margo , Gardner James V , Hall John K , Hell Benjamin , Hestvik Ole , Kristoffersen Yngve , Marcussen Christian , Mohammad Rezwan , Mosher David C , Nghiem Son V , Pedrosa Maria Teresa , Travaglini Paola G , Weatherall Pauline , Locarnini Ricardo A , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Boyer Timothy P , Zweng M M , Garcia H E , Reagan James R , Seidov Dan , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Pantiukhin Dmitrii , Popova Elena , Piepenburg Dieter , Kraan Casper , Schmid Michael K , Piepenburg Dieter , Golikov A A , von Juterzenka Karen , Petryashov Victor , Spindler Michael , Suess Erwin , Walsh John E , Fetterer Florence , Stewart J Scott , Chapman William L , Wlodarska-Kowalczuk Maria , Kendall Michael A , Węsławski Jan Marcin , Klages Michael , Soltwedel Thomas , Zweng M M , Reagan James R , Seidov Dan , Boyer Timothy P , Locarnini Ricardo A , Garcia H E , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I .

Title: World Ocean Atlas 2018, Volume 1: Temperature
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2019
Source: In: Mishonov, A.. (Technical Ed.), NOAA Atlas NESDIS 81
Authors: Andrade Hector , Renaud Paul E , Wlodarska-Kowalczuk Maria , Pardus Joanna , Carroll Michael L , Cochrane Sabine K J , Dahle Salve , Palerud Rune , Basher Z , Bowden D A , Costello Mark J , Behrenfeld Michael J , Boss Emmanuel , Siegel David A , Shea D M , Carroll Michael L , Denisenko Stanislav G , Renaud Paul E , Ambrose William G Jr , Degen Renate , Vedenin Andrey , Gusky Manuela , Boetius Antje , Brey Thomas , Garcia H E , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Boyer Timothy P , Locarnini Ricardo A , Zweng M M , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Seidov Dan , Reagan James R , Garcia H E , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Boyer Timothy P , Locarnini Ricardo A , Zweng M M , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Seidov Dan , Reagan James R , Jakobsson Martin , Mayer Larry , Coakley B , Dowdeswell Julian A , Forbes Steve , Fridman Boris , Hodnesdal Hanne , Noormets Riko , Pedersen Richard , Rebesco Michele , Schenke Hans Werner , Zarayskaya Yulia , Accettella Daniela , Armstrong Andrew , Anderson Robert M , Bienhoff Paul , Camerlenghi Angelo , Church Ian , Edwards Margo , Gardner James V , Hall John K , Hell Benjamin , Hestvik Ole , Kristoffersen Yngve , Marcussen Christian , Mohammad Rezwan , Mosher David C , Nghiem Son V , Pedrosa Maria Teresa , Travaglini Paola G , Weatherall Pauline , Locarnini Ricardo A , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Boyer Timothy P , Zweng M M , Garcia H E , Reagan James R , Seidov Dan , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Pantiukhin Dmitrii , Popova Elena , Piepenburg Dieter , Kraan Casper , Schmid Michael K , Piepenburg Dieter , Golikov A A , von Juterzenka Karen , Petryashov Victor , Spindler Michael , Suess Erwin , Walsh John E , Fetterer Florence , Stewart J Scott , Chapman William L , Wlodarska-Kowalczuk Maria , Kendall Michael A , Węsławski Jan Marcin , Klages Michael , Soltwedel Thomas , Zweng M M , Reagan James R , Seidov Dan , Boyer Timothy P , Locarnini Ricardo A , Garcia H E , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I .

Title: Grain-size distribution in surficial seafloor sediments of Eurasian Arctic seas
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2019
Authors: Andrade Hector , Renaud Paul E , Wlodarska-Kowalczuk Maria , Pardus Joanna , Carroll Michael L , Cochrane Sabine K J , Dahle Salve , Palerud Rune , Basher Z , Bowden D A , Costello Mark J , Behrenfeld Michael J , Boss Emmanuel , Siegel David A , Shea D M , Carroll Michael L , Denisenko Stanislav G , Renaud Paul E , Ambrose William G Jr , Degen Renate , Vedenin Andrey , Gusky Manuela , Boetius Antje , Brey Thomas , Garcia H E , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Boyer Timothy P , Locarnini Ricardo A , Zweng M M , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Seidov Dan , Reagan James R , Garcia H E , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Boyer Timothy P , Locarnini Ricardo A , Zweng M M , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Seidov Dan , Reagan James R , Jakobsson Martin , Mayer Larry , Coakley B , Dowdeswell Julian A , Forbes Steve , Fridman Boris , Hodnesdal Hanne , Noormets Riko , Pedersen Richard , Rebesco Michele , Schenke Hans Werner , Zarayskaya Yulia , Accettella Daniela , Armstrong Andrew , Anderson Robert M , Bienhoff Paul , Camerlenghi Angelo , Church Ian , Edwards Margo , Gardner James V , Hall John K , Hell Benjamin , Hestvik Ole , Kristoffersen Yngve , Marcussen Christian , Mohammad Rezwan , Mosher David C , Nghiem Son V , Pedrosa Maria Teresa , Travaglini Paola G , Weatherall Pauline , Locarnini Ricardo A , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Boyer Timothy P , Zweng M M , Garcia H E , Reagan James R , Seidov Dan , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Pantiukhin Dmitrii , Popova Elena , Piepenburg Dieter , Kraan Casper , Schmid Michael K , Piepenburg Dieter , Golikov A A , von Juterzenka Karen , Petryashov Victor , Spindler Michael , Suess Erwin , Walsh John E , Fetterer Florence , Stewart J Scott , Chapman William L , Wlodarska-Kowalczuk Maria , Kendall Michael A , Węsławski Jan Marcin , Klages Michael , Soltwedel Thomas , Zweng M M , Reagan James R , Seidov Dan , Boyer Timothy P , Locarnini Ricardo A , Garcia H E , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I .

Title: Trophic pathways and carbon flux patterns in the Laptev Sea
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2006
Source: Progress in Oceanography
Authors: Andrade Hector , Renaud Paul E , Wlodarska-Kowalczuk Maria , Pardus Joanna , Carroll Michael L , Cochrane Sabine K J , Dahle Salve , Palerud Rune , Basher Z , Bowden D A , Costello Mark J , Behrenfeld Michael J , Boss Emmanuel , Siegel David A , Shea D M , Carroll Michael L , Denisenko Stanislav G , Renaud Paul E , Ambrose William G Jr , Degen Renate , Vedenin Andrey , Gusky Manuela , Boetius Antje , Brey Thomas , Garcia H E , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Boyer Timothy P , Locarnini Ricardo A , Zweng M M , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Seidov Dan , Reagan James R , Garcia H E , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Boyer Timothy P , Locarnini Ricardo A , Zweng M M , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Seidov Dan , Reagan James R , Jakobsson Martin , Mayer Larry , Coakley B , Dowdeswell Julian A , Forbes Steve , Fridman Boris , Hodnesdal Hanne , Noormets Riko , Pedersen Richard , Rebesco Michele , Schenke Hans Werner , Zarayskaya Yulia , Accettella Daniela , Armstrong Andrew , Anderson Robert M , Bienhoff Paul , Camerlenghi Angelo , Church Ian , Edwards Margo , Gardner James V , Hall John K , Hell Benjamin , Hestvik Ole , Kristoffersen Yngve , Marcussen Christian , Mohammad Rezwan , Mosher David C , Nghiem Son V , Pedrosa Maria Teresa , Travaglini Paola G , Weatherall Pauline , Locarnini Ricardo A , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Boyer Timothy P , Zweng M M , Garcia H E , Reagan James R , Seidov Dan , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Pantiukhin Dmitrii , Popova Elena , Piepenburg Dieter , Kraan Casper , Schmid Michael K , Piepenburg Dieter , Golikov A A , von Juterzenka Karen , Petryashov Victor , Spindler Michael , Suess Erwin , Walsh John E , Fetterer Florence , Stewart J Scott , Chapman William L , Wlodarska-Kowalczuk Maria , Kendall Michael A , Węsławski Jan Marcin , Klages Michael , Soltwedel Thomas , Zweng M M , Reagan James R , Seidov Dan , Boyer Timothy P , Locarnini Ricardo A , Garcia H E , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I .

Title: Particulate organic carbon flux in the oceans—surface productivity and oxygen utilization
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 1980
Source: Nature
Authors: Andrade Hector , Renaud Paul E , Wlodarska-Kowalczuk Maria , Pardus Joanna , Carroll Michael L , Cochrane Sabine K J , Dahle Salve , Palerud Rune , Basher Z , Bowden D A , Costello Mark J , Behrenfeld Michael J , Boss Emmanuel , Siegel David A , Shea D M , Carroll Michael L , Denisenko Stanislav G , Renaud Paul E , Ambrose William G Jr , Degen Renate , Vedenin Andrey , Gusky Manuela , Boetius Antje , Brey Thomas , Garcia H E , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Boyer Timothy P , Locarnini Ricardo A , Zweng M M , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Seidov Dan , Reagan James R , Garcia H E , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Boyer Timothy P , Locarnini Ricardo A , Zweng M M , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Seidov Dan , Reagan James R , Jakobsson Martin , Mayer Larry , Coakley B , Dowdeswell Julian A , Forbes Steve , Fridman Boris , Hodnesdal Hanne , Noormets Riko , Pedersen Richard , Rebesco Michele , Schenke Hans Werner , Zarayskaya Yulia , Accettella Daniela , Armstrong Andrew , Anderson Robert M , Bienhoff Paul , Camerlenghi Angelo , Church Ian , Edwards Margo , Gardner James V , Hall John K , Hell Benjamin , Hestvik Ole , Kristoffersen Yngve , Marcussen Christian , Mohammad Rezwan , Mosher David C , Nghiem Son V , Pedrosa Maria Teresa , Travaglini Paola G , Weatherall Pauline , Locarnini Ricardo A , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Boyer Timothy P , Zweng M M , Garcia H E , Reagan James R , Seidov Dan , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Pantiukhin Dmitrii , Popova Elena , Piepenburg Dieter , Kraan Casper , Schmid Michael K , Piepenburg Dieter , Golikov A A , von Juterzenka Karen , Petryashov Victor , Spindler Michael , Suess Erwin , Walsh John E , Fetterer Florence , Stewart J Scott , Chapman William L , Wlodarska-Kowalczuk Maria , Kendall Michael A , Węsławski Jan Marcin , Klages Michael , Soltwedel Thomas , Zweng M M , Reagan James R , Seidov Dan , Boyer Timothy P , Locarnini Ricardo A , Garcia H E , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I .

Title: A database for depicting Arctic sea ice variations back to 1850
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2017
Source: Geographical Review
Authors: Andrade Hector , Renaud Paul E , Wlodarska-Kowalczuk Maria , Pardus Joanna , Carroll Michael L , Cochrane Sabine K J , Dahle Salve , Palerud Rune , Basher Z , Bowden D A , Costello Mark J , Behrenfeld Michael J , Boss Emmanuel , Siegel David A , Shea D M , Carroll Michael L , Denisenko Stanislav G , Renaud Paul E , Ambrose William G Jr , Degen Renate , Vedenin Andrey , Gusky Manuela , Boetius Antje , Brey Thomas , Garcia H E , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Boyer Timothy P , Locarnini Ricardo A , Zweng M M , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Seidov Dan , Reagan James R , Garcia H E , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Boyer Timothy P , Locarnini Ricardo A , Zweng M M , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Seidov Dan , Reagan James R , Jakobsson Martin , Mayer Larry , Coakley B , Dowdeswell Julian A , Forbes Steve , Fridman Boris , Hodnesdal Hanne , Noormets Riko , Pedersen Richard , Rebesco Michele , Schenke Hans Werner , Zarayskaya Yulia , Accettella Daniela , Armstrong Andrew , Anderson Robert M , Bienhoff Paul , Camerlenghi Angelo , Church Ian , Edwards Margo , Gardner James V , Hall John K , Hell Benjamin , Hestvik Ole , Kristoffersen Yngve , Marcussen Christian , Mohammad Rezwan , Mosher David C , Nghiem Son V , Pedrosa Maria Teresa , Travaglini Paola G , Weatherall Pauline , Locarnini Ricardo A , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Boyer Timothy P , Zweng M M , Garcia H E , Reagan James R , Seidov Dan , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Pantiukhin Dmitrii , Popova Elena , Piepenburg Dieter , Kraan Casper , Schmid Michael K , Piepenburg Dieter , Golikov A A , von Juterzenka Karen , Petryashov Victor , Spindler Michael , Suess Erwin , Walsh John E , Fetterer Florence , Stewart J Scott , Chapman William L , Wlodarska-Kowalczuk Maria , Kendall Michael A , Węsławski Jan Marcin , Klages Michael , Soltwedel Thomas , Zweng M M , Reagan James R , Seidov Dan , Boyer Timothy P , Locarnini Ricardo A , Garcia H E , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I .

Title: Depth gradients of benthic standing stock and diversity on the continental margin at a high-latitude ice-free site (off Spitsbergen, 79°N)
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2004
Source: Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers
Authors: Andrade Hector , Renaud Paul E , Wlodarska-Kowalczuk Maria , Pardus Joanna , Carroll Michael L , Cochrane Sabine K J , Dahle Salve , Palerud Rune , Basher Z , Bowden D A , Costello Mark J , Behrenfeld Michael J , Boss Emmanuel , Siegel David A , Shea D M , Carroll Michael L , Denisenko Stanislav G , Renaud Paul E , Ambrose William G Jr , Degen Renate , Vedenin Andrey , Gusky Manuela , Boetius Antje , Brey Thomas , Garcia H E , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Boyer Timothy P , Locarnini Ricardo A , Zweng M M , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Seidov Dan , Reagan James R , Garcia H E , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Boyer Timothy P , Locarnini Ricardo A , Zweng M M , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Seidov Dan , Reagan James R , Jakobsson Martin , Mayer Larry , Coakley B , Dowdeswell Julian A , Forbes Steve , Fridman Boris , Hodnesdal Hanne , Noormets Riko , Pedersen Richard , Rebesco Michele , Schenke Hans Werner , Zarayskaya Yulia , Accettella Daniela , Armstrong Andrew , Anderson Robert M , Bienhoff Paul , Camerlenghi Angelo , Church Ian , Edwards Margo , Gardner James V , Hall John K , Hell Benjamin , Hestvik Ole , Kristoffersen Yngve , Marcussen Christian , Mohammad Rezwan , Mosher David C , Nghiem Son V , Pedrosa Maria Teresa , Travaglini Paola G , Weatherall Pauline , Locarnini Ricardo A , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Boyer Timothy P , Zweng M M , Garcia H E , Reagan James R , Seidov Dan , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Pantiukhin Dmitrii , Popova Elena , Piepenburg Dieter , Kraan Casper , Schmid Michael K , Piepenburg Dieter , Golikov A A , von Juterzenka Karen , Petryashov Victor , Spindler Michael , Suess Erwin , Walsh John E , Fetterer Florence , Stewart J Scott , Chapman William L , Wlodarska-Kowalczuk Maria , Kendall Michael A , Węsławski Jan Marcin , Klages Michael , Soltwedel Thomas , Zweng M M , Reagan James R , Seidov Dan , Boyer Timothy P , Locarnini Ricardo A , Garcia H E , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I .

Title: World Ocean Atlas 2018, Volume 2: Salinity
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2019
Source: In: Mishonov, A.. (Technical Ed.), NOAA Atlas NESDIS 82
Authors: Andrade Hector , Renaud Paul E , Wlodarska-Kowalczuk Maria , Pardus Joanna , Carroll Michael L , Cochrane Sabine K J , Dahle Salve , Palerud Rune , Basher Z , Bowden D A , Costello Mark J , Behrenfeld Michael J , Boss Emmanuel , Siegel David A , Shea D M , Carroll Michael L , Denisenko Stanislav G , Renaud Paul E , Ambrose William G Jr , Degen Renate , Vedenin Andrey , Gusky Manuela , Boetius Antje , Brey Thomas , Garcia H E , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Boyer Timothy P , Locarnini Ricardo A , Zweng M M , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Seidov Dan , Reagan James R , Garcia H E , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Boyer Timothy P , Locarnini Ricardo A , Zweng M M , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Seidov Dan , Reagan James R , Jakobsson Martin , Mayer Larry , Coakley B , Dowdeswell Julian A , Forbes Steve , Fridman Boris , Hodnesdal Hanne , Noormets Riko , Pedersen Richard , Rebesco Michele , Schenke Hans Werner , Zarayskaya Yulia , Accettella Daniela , Armstrong Andrew , Anderson Robert M , Bienhoff Paul , Camerlenghi Angelo , Church Ian , Edwards Margo , Gardner James V , Hall John K , Hell Benjamin , Hestvik Ole , Kristoffersen Yngve , Marcussen Christian , Mohammad Rezwan , Mosher David C , Nghiem Son V , Pedrosa Maria Teresa , Travaglini Paola G , Weatherall Pauline , Locarnini Ricardo A , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Boyer Timothy P , Zweng M M , Garcia H E , Reagan James R , Seidov Dan , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Pantiukhin Dmitrii , Popova Elena , Piepenburg Dieter , Kraan Casper , Schmid Michael K , Piepenburg Dieter , Golikov A A , von Juterzenka Karen , Petryashov Victor , Spindler Michael , Suess Erwin , Walsh John E , Fetterer Florence , Stewart J Scott , Chapman William L , Wlodarska-Kowalczuk Maria , Kendall Michael A , Węsławski Jan Marcin , Klages Michael , Soltwedel Thomas , Zweng M M , Reagan James R , Seidov Dan , Boyer Timothy P , Locarnini Ricardo A , Garcia H E , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I .