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IRSN measurements of dissolved radioactivity in seawater, 1982-2016, including liquid releases database issued from British and French nuclear plants

This database provides all the measurements of dissolved radioactivity in seawater performed by IRSN in north-western European seas. It concerns Sb125, Ru106, Co60, Cs137, Cs134 and tritium (H3). Measurements concern 80 oceanographic campaigns performed between 1982 and 2016 (39642 stations). The areas sampled are mainly the English Channel, North Sea, Biscay Bay, Celtic Sea, Irish Sea and the northern Atlantic. This database comes together with the liquid releases database issued from English and French nuclear plants. It allows qualitative and quantitative comparison between quantities released and measured and validation of hydrodynamic models at all scales.

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Bailly du Bois, Pascal (2019). Dataset: IRSN measurements of dissolved radioactivity in seawater, 1982-2016, including liquid releases database issued from British and French nuclear plants.

DOI retrieved: 2019

Additional Info

Field Value
Imported on November 29, 2024
Last update November 29, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Bailly du Bois, Pascal
Given Name Pascal
Family Name Bailly du Bois
Source Creation 2019
Publication Year 2019
Resource Type application/zip - filename: BaillyduBoisP_2019
Subject Areas
Name: LakesRivers

Related Identifiers
Title: Dissolved Radiotracers and Numerical Modeling in North European Continental Shelf Dispersion Studies (1982–2016): Databases, Methods and Applications
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2020
Source: Water
Authors: Bailly du Bois Pascal , Dumas Franck , Voiseux Claire , Morillon Mehdi , Oms Pierre-Emmanuel , Solier Luc .