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Lacustrine diatom oxygen isotopes as palaeo precipitation proxy of sediment core Co1321, Lake Bolshoye Shchuchye, Polar Urals, Russia

The dataset comprises the main geochemical characteristics of purified lake sediment samples from Lake Bolshoye Shchuchye, in the Polar Ural based on EDS and stable isotope data. Moreover, core segment (column A), composite depth (in cm; column B); calibrated age (in cal ka BP; column C) are given. Details on coring and age model are given in Lenz et al. (2021) Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) was carried out with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) at the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ Potsdam, Germany) to assess contamination of all diatom samples (following Chapligin et al., 2012). Three replicate analyses were carried out with an excited-area size with a radius of ~200 μm at an acceleration voltage of 20.0 kV. All detectable elements were normalized to 100% weight. The results were expressed as weight percentages (in %) and displayed as oxides: SiO2 content (%); Al2O3 content (%); Na2O content (%); MgO content (%); K2O content (%); CaO content (%); MnO content (%); FeO content (%): Total sum (%) of the purified sediment sample (columns D to L). Details are given in Meyer et al. (2022) The diatom oxygen isotope composition (δ18Odiatom) from lacustrine sediments helps tracing the hydrological and climate dynamics in individual lake catchments. The oxygen isotope data has been generated in the ISOLAB Facility Potsdam including all d18Odiatom values (all in ‰ vs. VSMOW). The measured δ18O values (δ18Omeas), the standard deviation (SD) and number of replicates (N) are given (columns M to O), as well as the calculated contamination (ccont; in %) and δ18O values corrected for contamination (δ18Ocorr) (columns P to Q). The details of the contamination correction and isotope analytics are given in Meyer et al. (2022)

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Meyer, Hanno, Kostrova, Svetlana S, Meister, Philip, Lenz, Marlene M, Kuhn, Gerhard, Nazarova, Larisa B, Syrykh, Luidmila S, Dvornikov, Yury, Weiner, Mikaela, Marent, Andreas (2023). Dataset: Lacustrine diatom oxygen isotopes as palaeo precipitation proxy of sediment core Co1321, Lake Bolshoye Shchuchye, Polar Urals, Russia.

DOI retrieved: 2023

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Meyer, Hanno
Given Name Hanno
Family Name Meyer
More Authors
Kostrova, Svetlana S
Meister, Philip
Lenz, Marlene M
Kuhn, Gerhard
Nazarova, Larisa B
Syrykh, Luidmila S
Dvornikov, Yury
Weiner, Mikaela
Marent, Andreas
Source Creation 2023
Publication Year 2023
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: Co1321_diatom_chem
Subject Areas
Name: Chemistry

Name: Lithosphere

Related Identifiers
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Authors: Chapligin Bernhard , Meyer Hanno , Bryan A , Snyder Jeffrey A , Kemnitz Helga , Lenz Marlene M , Andreev Andrei A , Nazarova Larisa B , Syrykh Luidmila S , Scheidt Stephanie , Haflidason Haflidi , Meyer Hanno , Brill Dominik , Wagner Bernd , Gromig Raphael , Lenz Matthias , Rolf Christian , Kuhn Gerhard , Fedorov Grigory B , Svendsen John Inge , Melles Martin , Meyer Hanno , Kostrova Svetlana S , Meister Philip , Lenz Marlene M , Kuhn Gerhard , Nazarova Larisa B , Syrykh Luidmila S , Dvornikov Yury , SENSOR , SENSOR .

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Authors: Chapligin Bernhard , Meyer Hanno , Bryan A , Snyder Jeffrey A , Kemnitz Helga , Lenz Marlene M , Andreev Andrei A , Nazarova Larisa B , Syrykh Luidmila S , Scheidt Stephanie , Haflidason Haflidi , Meyer Hanno , Brill Dominik , Wagner Bernd , Gromig Raphael , Lenz Matthias , Rolf Christian , Kuhn Gerhard , Fedorov Grigory B , Svendsen John Inge , Melles Martin , Meyer Hanno , Kostrova Svetlana S , Meister Philip , Lenz Marlene M , Kuhn Gerhard , Nazarova Larisa B , Syrykh Luidmila S , Dvornikov Yury , SENSOR , SENSOR .

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Source: Alfred Wegener Institut Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research
Authors: Chapligin Bernhard , Meyer Hanno , Bryan A , Snyder Jeffrey A , Kemnitz Helga , Lenz Marlene M , Andreev Andrei A , Nazarova Larisa B , Syrykh Luidmila S , Scheidt Stephanie , Haflidason Haflidi , Meyer Hanno , Brill Dominik , Wagner Bernd , Gromig Raphael , Lenz Matthias , Rolf Christian , Kuhn Gerhard , Fedorov Grigory B , Svendsen John Inge , Melles Martin , Meyer Hanno , Kostrova Svetlana S , Meister Philip , Lenz Marlene M , Kuhn Gerhard , Nazarova Larisa B , Syrykh Luidmila S , Dvornikov Yury , SENSOR , SENSOR .