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Water stable isotope record of ice core NEEM (early Holocene) measured discretely

A new technique for on-line high resolution isotopic analysis of liquid water, tailored for ice core studies is presented. We built an interface between a Wavelength Scanned Cavity Ring Down Spectrometer (WS-CRDS) purchased from Picarro Inc. and a Continuous Flow Analysis (CFA) system. The system offers the possibility to perform simultaneuous water isotopic analysis of d18O and dD on a continuous stream of liquid water as generated from a continuously melted ice rod. Injection of sub µl amounts of liquid water is achieved by pumping sample through a fused silica capillary and instantaneously vaporizing it with 100% efficiency in a~home made oven at a temperature of 170 °C. A calibration procedure allows for proper reporting of the data on the VSMOW-SLAP scale. We apply the necessary corrections based on the assessed performance of the system regarding instrumental drifts and dependance on the water concentration in the optical cavity. The melt rates are monitored in order to assign a depth scale to the measured isotopic profiles. Application of spectral methods yields the combined uncertainty of the system at below 0.1 per mil and 0.5 per mil for d18O and dD, respectively. This performance is comparable to that achieved with mass spectrometry. Dispersion of the sample in the transfer lines limits the temporal resolution of the technique. In this work we investigate and assess these dispersion effects. By using an optimal filtering method we show how the measured profiles can be corrected for the smoothing effects resulting from the sample dispersion. Considering the significant advantages the technique offers, i.e. simultaneuous measurement of d18O and dD, potentially in combination with chemical components that are traditionally measured on CFA systems, notable reduction on analysis time and power consumption, we consider it as an alternative to traditional isotope ratio mass spectrometry with the possibility to be deployed for field ice core studies. We present data acquired in the field during the 2010 season as part of the NEEM deep ice core drilling project in North Greenland.

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Cite this as

Gkinis, Vasileios, Popp, Trevor, Blunier, Thomas, Bigler, Matthias, Schüpbach, Simon, Kettner, E, Johnsen, Sigfús Jóhann (2018). Dataset: Water stable isotope record of ice core NEEM (early Holocene) measured discretely.

DOI retrieved: 2018

Additional Info

Field Value
Imported on November 29, 2024
Last update November 29, 2024
License CC-BY-NC-ND-3.0
Author Gkinis, Vasileios
Given Name Vasileios
Family Name Gkinis
More Authors
Popp, Trevor
Blunier, Thomas
Bigler, Matthias
Schüpbach, Simon
Kettner, E
Johnsen, Sigfús Jóhann
Source Creation 2018
Publication Year 2018
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: NEEMearly-dis_isot
Subject Areas
Name: Atmosphere

Name: Cryosphere

Related Identifiers
Title: Water isotopic ratios from a continuously melted ice core sample
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 2011
Source: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques
Authors: Gkinis Vasileios , Popp Trevor , Blunier Thomas , Bigler Matthias , Schüpbach Simon , Kettner E , Johnsen Sigfús Jóhann .