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Accumulation measurements from stake field Neumayer Pegelfeld Süd, Ekström Ice Shelf, Antarctica, 1993

This publication series contains the accumulation measurements from stake farm Pegelfeld Süd on the Ekström Ice Shelf, Antarctica. The stake farm, located approximately 6 km to the southwest from the past and present Neumayer Station, has been in operation since December 1990. It consists of 16 aluminum poles (balise), placed in a grid of 4 x 4. Readings have been carried out in bi-weekly to monthly intervals by the overwintering staff of the air chemistry observatory (Spuso). Each data set in the series contains all measurements of each stake from one calendar year in a csv file, the average accumulation of the stake farm for each measurement and the standard deviation of the stake farm for each measurement. The data sets are accompanied by figures illustrating the development of the total accumulation since the beginning of the measurements to date, a bar chart of the monthly accumulation for the year and a collection of panels (one panel per measurement) illustrating the variation of accumulation within the stake farm.

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Eisen, Olaf, Reppert, Valerie, Weller, Rolf, Jurányi, Zsófia (2024). Dataset: Accumulation measurements from stake field Neumayer Pegelfeld Süd, Ekström Ice Shelf, Antarctica, 1993.

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Imported on November 29, 2024
Last update November 29, 2024
License CC-BY-SA-4.0
Author Eisen, Olaf
Given Name Olaf
Family Name Eisen
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Reppert, Valerie
Weller, Rolf
Jurányi, Zsófia
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: Neumayer_Pegelfeld_Sued_1993
Subject Areas
Name: Geophysics

Related Identifiers
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Type: DOI
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Type: DOI
Relation: References
Authors: Eisen Olaf , Frezzotti Massimo , Genthon Christophe , Isaksson Elisabeth , Magand Olivier , van den Broeke Michiel R , Dixon Daniel A , Ekaykin Alexey A , Holmlund Per , Kameda Takao , Karlöf Lars , Kaspari Susan D , Lipenkov Vladimir Ya , Oerter Hans , Takahashi Shuhei , Vaughan David G , Schlosser Elisabeth , Oerter Hans .