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Instance Data for Numerical Study on Planning of Inductive Charging Infrastructures

Instance Data for Numerical Study on Planning of Inductive Charging Infrastructures for Electric Service Vehicles on AIrport Aprons

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Cite this as

Niklas Pöch, Inka Nozinski, Justine Broihan (2022). Dataset: Instance Data for Numerical Study on Planning of Inductive Charging Infrastructures.

DOI retrieved: August 9, 2022

Additional Info

Field Value
Imported on January 12, 2023
Last update January 12, 2023
License CC0-1.0
Author Niklas Pöch, Inka Nozinski, Justine Broihan
Maintainer Niklas Pöch
Source Creation 09 August, 2022, 06:36 AM (UTC+0000)
Source Modified 09 August, 2022, 06:37 AM (UTC+0000)