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Measurement data - thermoelectricity of near-resonant tunnel junctions and their near-carnot efficiency

Other: Experimental data underlying the publication "Thermoelectricity of near-resonant tunnel junctions and their near-Carnot efficiency"

Cite this as

Popp, Matthias A., Weber, Heiko B. (2020). Dataset: Measurement data - thermoelectricity of near-resonant tunnel junctions and their near-carnot efficiency.

DOI retrieved: 2020

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Imported on January 12, 2023
Last update January 12, 2023
License CC BY 4.0 Attribution
Author Popp, Matthias A.
More Authors
Weber, Heiko B.
Source Creation 2020
Matthias A. Popp and Heiko B. Weber
Production Year 2019-2020
Publication Year 2020
Subject Areas
Name: Physics