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CHO Perfusion Process using a microfluidic spiral separator with web-based flow control

In an ongoing effort to increase product yields of CHO cells, a 3D-printed microfluidic spiral separator for plug and play cell retention was combined with a small-scale bioreactor system. In addition, this system includes automatic flushing, web-based control, and a mobile status notification. A proof-of-concept cultivation over 530 h at viable cell concentrations between 10-17 x 106 cells/mL in a hybrid mode (with alternating cell retention and cell bleed phases) successfully reduced both shear stress and microfluidic channel blockage. In addition to a retention efficiency of almost 100 %, this set-up also increased cell viability within the bioreactor by separating dead cells and cell debris into the cell-free fraction. Moreover, no retention of the product was detected.

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Jana Schellenberg, Michaela Dehne (2023). Dataset: CHO Perfusion Process using a microfluidic spiral separator with web-based flow control.

DOI retrieved: April 21, 2023

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Imported on May 2, 2023
Last update August 4, 2023
License CC0-1.0
Version 1.0
Author Jana Schellenberg
More Authors
Michaela Dehne
Maintainer Dörte Solle
Source Creation 21 April, 2023, 13:02 PM (UTC+0000)
Source Modified 24 April, 2023, 08:19 AM (UTC+0000)