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Phenolic compounds in different stages of ontogenesis in Chrysanthemum - a potential for thrips-resistance characterisation

All data are analysed and published 2023 under the title "Phenolic compounds in different stages of ontogenesis in Chrysanthemum - a potential for thrips-resistance characterisation" in the Journal ?; doi:?

Detailed methods of data collection and analyses are desribed in the paper. The files were created by MS Excel 2016.

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Cite this as

Sina Rogge, Susanne Neugart, Monika Schreiner, Rainer Meyhöfer (2023). Dataset: Phenolic compounds in different stages of ontogenesis in Chrysanthemum - a potential for thrips-resistance characterisation.

DOI retrieved: March 5, 2023

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Imported on May 2, 2023
Last update August 4, 2023
License CC-BY-3.0
Author Sina Rogge
More Authors
Susanne Neugart
Monika Schreiner
Rainer Meyhöfer
Author Email Sina Rogge
Maintainer Rainer Meyhöfer
Maintainer Email Rainer Meyhöfer
Source Creation 27 February, 2023, 14:15 PM (UTC+0000)
Source Modified 05 March, 2023, 08:38 AM (UTC+0000)