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Data corresponding to experiments published in:

Villanueva, R., Paul, M., & Schlurmann, T. (in review). Flexible anchored mats of artificial seagrass for restoration: wave dynamics and agreement with contemporary models. Scientific Reports

The data correspond to the measurements done on a wave flume for wave interaction with submerged anchored base layers and artificial vegetation. The experiments were done within the framework of the SeaArt project (see the institute's website). The datasets are organized through a specific nomenclature described in the text file Nomenclature.txt.

Data and Resources

Cite this as

Raul Villanueva (2023). Dataset: SeagrassWaveDynamics_RV.

DOI retrieved: June 28, 2023

Additional Info

Field Value
Imported on August 4, 2023
Last update August 4, 2023
License CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0
Author Raul Villanueva
Author Email Raul Villanueva
Maintainer Raul Villanueva
Source Creation 26 June, 2023, 14:05 PM (UTC+0000)
Source Modified 28 June, 2023, 15:32 PM (UTC+0000)