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Wind Turbine Simulation Data for Meta-Modelling

This data set correlates environmental conditions acting on an offshore wind turbine (inputs) with fatigue loads of the turbine (outputs). The investigated wind turbine is the NREL 5MW reference turbine and the OC3 monopile. Environmental conditions are based on FINO3 data ( Time series of bending moments and shear forces at mudline and blade root bending moments are computed using the FASTv8 simulation code by the NREL. 10.000 simulations for varying environmental conditions (and varying random seeds) were conducted. Short-term damage equivalent loads (DELs) representing fatigue were calculated for several relevant positions (at mudline and at the blade root). For further information, it is referred to "Huebler, C., & Rolfes, R. (2020). Analysis of the influence of climate change on the fatigue lifetime of offshore wind turbines using imprecise probabilities. Wind Energy. 2020;1–15."

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Clemens Huebler (2020). Dataset: Wind Turbine Simulation Data for Meta-Modelling.

DOI retrieved: June 29, 2020

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Imported on October 14, 2021
Last update January 12, 2023
License CC-BY-3.0
Author Clemens Huebler
Author Email Clemens Huebler
Maintainer Clemens Huebler
Maintainer Email Clemens Huebler
Source Creation 29 June, 2020, 13:56 PM (UTC+0000)
Source Modified 20 January, 2022, 11:00 AM (UTC+0000)