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Abundance and biomass of planktic ciliates at time series station DYNAPROC

The composition and vertical distribution of planktonic ciliates within the surface layer was monitored over four diel cycles in May 95, during the JGOFS-France DYNAPROC cruise in the Ligurian Sea (NW Mediterranean). Ciliates were placed into size and trophic categories: micro- and nano-heterotrophic ciliates, mixotrophic ciliates, tintinnids and the autotrophic Mesodinium rubrum. Mixotrophic ciliates (micro and nano) represented an average of 46% of oligotrich abundance and 39% of oligotrich biomass; nano-ciliates (hetero and mixotrophic) were abundant, representing about 60 and 17% of oligotrich abundance and biomass, respectively. Tintinnid ciliates were a minor part of heterotrophic ciliates. The estimated contribution of mixotrophs to chlorophyll a concentration was modest, never exceeding 9% in discrete samples. Vertical profiles of ciliates showed that chlorophyll-containing ciliates (mixotrophs and autotrophs) were mainly concentrated and remained at the chlorophyll a maximum depth. In contrast, among heterotrophic ciliates, a portion of the population appeared to migrate from 20-30 m depth during the day to the surface at night or in the early morning. Correlation analyses of ciliate groups and phytoplankton pigments showed a strong relationship between nano-ciliates and zeaxanthin, and between chlorophyll-containing ciliates and chlorophyll a, as well as other pigments that were maximal at the chlorophyll a maximum depth. Total surface layer concentrations showed minima of ciliates during nightime/early morning hours.

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Cite this as

Pérez, M T, Dolan, John, Vidussi, Francesca, Fukai, E (2000). Dataset: Abundance and biomass of planktic ciliates at time series station DYNAPROC.

DOI retrieved: 2000

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-3.0
Author Pérez, M T
Given Name M T
Family Name Pérez
More Authors
Dolan, John
Vidussi, Francesca
Fukai, E
Source Creation 2000
Publication Year 2000
Resource Type application/zip - filename: Perez_2000
Subject Areas
Name: Oceans

Related Identifiers
Title: Diel vertical distribution of planktonic ciliates within the surface layer of the NW Mediterranean (May 1995)
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 2000
Source: Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers
Authors: Pérez M T , Dolan John , Vidussi Francesca , Fukai E .