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Sedimentation rates and geochemistry of three cores from eastern tropical Pacific

We have generated approx. 300 Kyr records of biogenic opal, calcite, and organic carbon (Corg) for three cores in the eastern and central equatorial Pacific Ocean and have compared the records to determine whether common periods of biogenic sedimentation have occurred throughout the region. We find that Corg has been deposited in common pulses throughout the area, while opal has a much more local pattern of variation. Calcite varies regionally, but the record is shaped by superimposed dissolution and productivity processes. The most intense Corg peak occurs at 18 ka and can have greater than 2 times the Holocene Corg content. Other major Corg peaks occur 150 ka and perhaps at 280 ka. We have compared the Corg record in one of the cores, V19-28, to a model deepwater oxygen record developed from d13C data in the nearby V19-30 to test whether the Corg record has been mostly shaped by degradation or by the rain of organic matter from the euphotic zone. We found no coherence between the two records, implying that the Corg record is primarily a measure of productivity. By comparing the opal, calcite, and Corg records in V19-28, a core which is at or above the lysocline, we found that both increased calcite and opal deposition matches high Corg accumulation. We also found, however, that the calcite and opal records were uncorrelated, so that episodes of high opal deposition do not necessarily accumulate calcite rapidly. We hypothesize that at least two different plankton communities have been dominant in the waters above this site, one rich in opal-secreting plankton and one more dominated by calcite producers. The opal-rich plankton community was dominant during the intervals 10-15 ka and 35-60 ka.

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Lyle, Mitchell W, Murray, David W, Finney, Bruce P, Dymond, Jack R, Robbins, James M, Brooksforce, Kathryn (1988). Dataset: Sedimentation rates and geochemistry of three cores from eastern tropical Pacific.

DOI retrieved: 1988

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Field Value
Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-3.0
Author Lyle, Mitchell W
Given Name Mitchell W
Family Name Lyle
More Authors
Murray, David W
Finney, Bruce P
Dymond, Jack R
Robbins, James M
Brooksforce, Kathryn
Source Creation 1988
Publication Year 1988
Resource Type application/zip - filename: Lyle_1988_supplement
Subject Areas
Name: Lithosphere

Name: Oceans

Name: Paleontology

Related Identifiers
Title: The record of Late Pleistocene biogenic sedimentation in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 1988
Source: Paleoceanography
Authors: Lyle Mitchell W , Murray David W , Finney Bruce P , Dymond Jack R , Robbins James M , Brooksforce Kathryn .