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Topsoil properties and abundance of Acari and Collembola species in northern Victoria Land, Antarctica

Soil fauna in the extreme conditions of Antarctica consists of a few microinvertebrate species patchily distributed at different spatial scales. Populations of the prostigmatic mite Stereotydeus belli and the collembolan Gressittacantha terranova from northern Victoria Land (Antarctica) were used as models to study the effect of soil properties on microarthropod distributions. In agreement with the general assumption that the development and distribution of life in these ecosystems is mainly controlled by abiotic factors, we found that the probability of occurrence of S. belli depends on soil moisture and texture and on the sampling period (which affects the general availability of water); surprisingly, none of the analysed variables were significantly related to the G. terranova distribution. Based on our results and literature data, we propose a theoretical model that introduces biotic interactions among the major factors driving the local distribution of collembolans in Antarctic terrestrial ecosystems.

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Cite this as

Caruso, Tancredi, Borghini, Francesca, Bucci, Charlie, Colacevich, Andrea, Bargagli, Roberto (2007). Dataset: Topsoil properties and abundance of Acari and Collembola species in northern Victoria Land, Antarctica.

DOI retrieved: 2007

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Imported on January 12, 2023
Last update November 29, 2024
License CC-BY-3.0
Author Caruso, Tancredi
Given Name Tancredi
Family Name Caruso
More Authors
Borghini, Francesca
Bucci, Charlie
Colacevich, Andrea
Bargagli, Roberto
Source Creation 2007
Publication Year 2007
Resource Type application/zip - filename: Caruso_2007
Subject Areas
Name: Agriculture

Name: Lithosphere

Related Identifiers
Title: Modelling local-scale determinants and the probability of microarthropod species occurrence in Antarctic soils
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 2007
Source: Soil Biology and Biochemistry
Authors: Caruso Tancredi , Borghini Francesca , Bucci Charlie , Colacevich Andrea , Bargagli Roberto .