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Geochemistry of sediment cores from METEOR cruise M76/1b

Marine sediments are the main sink in the oceanic phosphorus (P) cycle. The activity of benthic microorganisms is decisive for regeneration, reflux, or burial of inorganic phosphate (Pi), which has a strong impact on marine productivity. Recent formation of phosphorites on the continental shelf and a succession of different sedimentary environments make the Benguela upwelling system a prime region for studying the role of microbes in P biogeochemistry. The oxygen isotope signature of pore water phosphate (d18OP) carries characteristic information of microbial P cycling: Intracellular turnover of phosphorylated biomolecules results in isotopic equilibrium with ambient water, while enzymatic regeneration of Pi from organic matter produces distinct offsets from equilibrium. The balance of these two processes is the major control for d18OP.

Our study assesses the importance of microbial P cycling relative to regeneration of Pi from organic matter from a transect across the Namibian continental shelf and slope by combining pore water chemistry (sulfate, sulfide, ferrous iron, Pi), steady-state turnover rate modeling, and oxygen isotope geochemistry of Pi.

We found d18OP values in a range from 12.8 per mill to 26.6 per mill, both in equilibrium as well as pronounced disequilibrium with water. Our data show a trend towards regeneration signatures (disequilibrium) under low mineralization activity and low Pi concentrations, and microbial turnover signatures (equilibrium) under high mineralization activity and high Pi concentrations. These findings are opposite to observations from water column studies where regeneration signatures were found to coincide with high mineralization activity and high Pi concentrations. It appears that preferential Pi regeneration in marine sediments does not necessarily coincide with a disequilibrium d18OP signature. We propose that microbial Pi uptake strategies, which are controlled by Pi availability, are decisive for the alteration of the isotope signature. This hypothesis is supported by the observation of efficient microbial Pi turnover (equilibrium signatures) in the phosphogenic sediments of the Benguela upwelling system.

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Cite this as

Goldhammer, Tobias, Brunner, Benjamin, Bernasconi, Stefano M, Ferdelman, Timothy G, Zabel, Matthias (2011). Dataset: Geochemistry of sediment cores from METEOR cruise M76/1b.

DOI retrieved: 2011

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-3.0
Author Goldhammer, Tobias
Given Name Tobias
Family Name Goldhammer
More Authors
Brunner, Benjamin
Bernasconi, Stefano M
Ferdelman, Timothy G
Zabel, Matthias
Source Creation 2011
Publication Year 2011
Resource Type application/zip - filename: Goldhammer_2011_geochemistry
Subject Areas
Name: Chemistry

Name: Lithosphere

Related Identifiers
Title: Phosphate oxygen isotopes: Insights into sedimentary phoshorus cycling from the Benguela upwelling system
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 2011
Source: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
Authors: Goldhammer Tobias , Brunner Benjamin , Bernasconi Stefano M , Ferdelman Timothy G , Zabel Matthias .

Title: Desulfofrigus sp. prevails in sulfate-reducing dilution cultures from sediments of the Benguela upwelling area|
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2013
Source: FEMS Microbiology Ecology
Authors: Kraft Angelina , Engelen Bert , Goldhammer Tobias , Lin Yu-Shih , Cypionka Heribert , Könneke Martin , Lagostina Lorenzo , Goldhammer Tobias , Røy Hans , Evans Thomas W , Lever Mark A , Jørgensen Bo Barker , Petersen Dorthe G , Schramm Andreas , Schreiber L .

Title: Ammonia-oxidizing Bacteria of the Nitrosospira cluster 1 dominate over ammonia-oxidizing Archaea in oligotrophic surface sediments near the South Atlantic Gyre
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2015
Source: Environmental Microbiology Reports
Authors: Kraft Angelina , Engelen Bert , Goldhammer Tobias , Lin Yu-Shih , Cypionka Heribert , Könneke Martin , Lagostina Lorenzo , Goldhammer Tobias , Røy Hans , Evans Thomas W , Lever Mark A , Jørgensen Bo Barker , Petersen Dorthe G , Schramm Andreas , Schreiber L .