Porewater and particulate geochemistry during Maria S. Merian cruise MSM17/4

We present sedimentary geochemical data and in situ benthic flux measurements of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN: NO3-, NO2-, NH4+) and oxygen (O2) from 7 sites with variable sand content along 18°N offshore Mauritania (NW Africa). Bottom water O2 concentrations at the shallowest station were hypoxic (42 µM) and increased to 125 µM at the deepest site (1113 m). Total oxygen uptake rates were highest on the shelf (-10.3 mmol O2 /m2 d) and decreased quasi-exponentially with water depth to -3.2 mmol O2 /m2 d. Average denitrification rates estimated from a flux balance decreased with water depth from 2.2 to 0.2 mmol N /m2 d. Overall, the sediments acted as net sink for DIN. Observed increases in delta 15NNO3 and delta 18ONO3 in the benthic chamber deployed on the shelf, characterized by muddy sand, were used to calculate apparent benthic nitrate fractionation factors of 8.0 pro mille (15epsilon app) and 14.1 pro mille (18epsilon app). Measurements of delta 15NNO2 further demonstrated that the sediments acted as a source of 15N depleted NO2-. These observations were analyzed using an isotope box model that considered denitrification and nitrification of NH4+ and NO2-. The principal findings were that (i) net benthic 14N/15N fractionation (epsilon DEN) was 12.9 ± 1.7pro mille, (ii) inverse fractionation during nitrite oxidation leads to an efflux of isotopically light NO2- (-22 ± 1.9 pro mille), and (iii) direct coupling between nitrification and denitrification in the sediment is negligible. Previously reported epsilon DEN for fine-grained sediments are much lower (4-8 pro mille). We speculate that high benthic nitrate fractionation is driven by a combination of enhanced porewater-seawater exchange in permeable sediments and the hypoxic, high productivity environment. Although not without uncertainties, the results presented could have important implications for understanding the current state of the marine N cycle.

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Dale, Andy W, Sommer, Stefan, Ryabenko, Evgenia, Noffke, Anna, Bohlen, Lisa, Wallmann, Klaus, Stolpovsky, Konstantin, Greinert, Jens, Pfannkuche, Olaf (2014). Dataset: Porewater and particulate geochemistry during Maria S. Merian cruise MSM17/4. https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.835700

DOI retrieved: 2014

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-3.0
Source https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.835700
Author Dale, Andy W
Given Name Andy W
Family Name Dale
More Authors
Sommer, Stefan
Ryabenko, Evgenia
Noffke, Anna
Bohlen, Lisa
Wallmann, Klaus
Stolpovsky, Konstantin
Greinert, Jens
Pfannkuche, Olaf
Source Creation 2014
Publication Year 2014
Resource Type application/zip - filename: Dale_2014
Subject Areas
Name: Chemistry

Name: Lithosphere

Related Identifiers
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Authors: Dale Andy W , Sommer Stefan , Ryabenko Evgenia , Noffke Anna , Bohlen Lisa , Wallmann Klaus , Stolpovsky Konstantin , Greinert Jens , Pfannkuche Olaf .

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