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Oxygen Stable Isotope Values from the Holocene and Last Glacial Maximum in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific

The mean state and variability of the tropical Pacific is influenced by the depth of the thermocline. During the Last Glacial Maximum (~21,000 years ago), the zonal sea surface temperature gradient across the equatorial Pacific was reduced and productivity was lower than modern. To understand the thermocline depth's role in determining the Last Glacial Maximum tropical mean state, here we reconstruct the upper ocean d18O profile from multiple species of planktic foraminifera. We synthesize existing records of surface and subsurface dwelling foraminifera to reconstruct the vertical d18O gradient throughout the eastern equatorial Pacific. We find the thermocline was deeper during the Last Glacial Maximum than the Holocene throughout the eastern equatorial region. The thermocline depth's role in the dynamic forcing of the cold tongue contributed to the reduced zonal SST gradient across the equatorial Pacific, decreased productivity and reduced El Niño-Southern Oscillation variability relative to the Holocene.

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Ford, Heather L, McChesney, C Lorriane, Hertzberg, Jennifer E, McManus, Jerry F (2018). Dataset: Oxygen Stable Isotope Values from the Holocene and Last Glacial Maximum in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific.

DOI retrieved: 2018

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-3.0
Author Ford, Heather L
Given Name Heather L
Family Name Ford
More Authors
McChesney, C Lorriane
Hertzberg, Jennifer E
McManus, Jerry F
Source Creation 2018
Publication Year 2018
Resource Type application/zip - filename: Ford-etal_2018
Subject Areas
Name: Lithosphere

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Title: A Deep Eastern Equatorial Pacific Thermocline During the Last Glacial Maximum
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 2018
Source: Geophysical Research Letters
Authors: Ford Heather L , McChesney C Lorriane , Hertzberg Jennifer E , McManus Jerry F .

Title: Eastern Pacific Warm Pool paleosalinity and climate variability: 0-30 kyr
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2006
Source: Paleoceanography
Authors: Benway Heather M , Mix Alan C , Haley Brian A , Klinkhammer Gary P , Faul Kristina L , Ravelo Ana Christina , Delaney Margaret Lois , Koutavas Athanasios , Lynch-Stieglitz Jean , Lea David W , Pak Dorothy K , Spero Howard J , Leduc Guillaume , Vidal Laurence , Tachikawa Kazuyo , Bard Edouard , Lyle Mitchell W , Mix Alan C , Pisias Nicklas G , Martinez Ignacio , Keigwin Lloyd D , Barrows Timothy T , Yokoyama Yusuke , Southon John , Patrick Andrew , Thunell Robert C , Sadekov Aleksey Y , Ganeshram Raja S , Pichevin Laetitia , Berdin Rose , McClymont Erin L , Elderfield Henry , Tudhope Alexander W , Spero Howard J , Lea David W , Spero Howard J , Mielke Koreen M , Kalve Erica M , Lea David W , Pak Dorothy K .

Title: Reconstructions of upwelling, productivity, and photic zone depth in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean using planktonic foraminiferal stable isotopes and abundances
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2000
Source: Journal of Foraminiferal Research
Authors: Benway Heather M , Mix Alan C , Haley Brian A , Klinkhammer Gary P , Faul Kristina L , Ravelo Ana Christina , Delaney Margaret Lois , Koutavas Athanasios , Lynch-Stieglitz Jean , Lea David W , Pak Dorothy K , Spero Howard J , Leduc Guillaume , Vidal Laurence , Tachikawa Kazuyo , Bard Edouard , Lyle Mitchell W , Mix Alan C , Pisias Nicklas G , Martinez Ignacio , Keigwin Lloyd D , Barrows Timothy T , Yokoyama Yusuke , Southon John , Patrick Andrew , Thunell Robert C , Sadekov Aleksey Y , Ganeshram Raja S , Pichevin Laetitia , Berdin Rose , McClymont Erin L , Elderfield Henry , Tudhope Alexander W , Spero Howard J , Lea David W , Spero Howard J , Mielke Koreen M , Kalve Erica M , Lea David W , Pak Dorothy K .

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Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2003
Source: Paleoceanography
Authors: Benway Heather M , Mix Alan C , Haley Brian A , Klinkhammer Gary P , Faul Kristina L , Ravelo Ana Christina , Delaney Margaret Lois , Koutavas Athanasios , Lynch-Stieglitz Jean , Lea David W , Pak Dorothy K , Spero Howard J , Leduc Guillaume , Vidal Laurence , Tachikawa Kazuyo , Bard Edouard , Lyle Mitchell W , Mix Alan C , Pisias Nicklas G , Martinez Ignacio , Keigwin Lloyd D , Barrows Timothy T , Yokoyama Yusuke , Southon John , Patrick Andrew , Thunell Robert C , Sadekov Aleksey Y , Ganeshram Raja S , Pichevin Laetitia , Berdin Rose , McClymont Erin L , Elderfield Henry , Tudhope Alexander W , Spero Howard J , Lea David W , Spero Howard J , Mielke Koreen M , Kalve Erica M , Lea David W , Pak Dorothy K .

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Type: DOI
Relation: References
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Authors: Benway Heather M , Mix Alan C , Haley Brian A , Klinkhammer Gary P , Faul Kristina L , Ravelo Ana Christina , Delaney Margaret Lois , Koutavas Athanasios , Lynch-Stieglitz Jean , Lea David W , Pak Dorothy K , Spero Howard J , Leduc Guillaume , Vidal Laurence , Tachikawa Kazuyo , Bard Edouard , Lyle Mitchell W , Mix Alan C , Pisias Nicklas G , Martinez Ignacio , Keigwin Lloyd D , Barrows Timothy T , Yokoyama Yusuke , Southon John , Patrick Andrew , Thunell Robert C , Sadekov Aleksey Y , Ganeshram Raja S , Pichevin Laetitia , Berdin Rose , McClymont Erin L , Elderfield Henry , Tudhope Alexander W , Spero Howard J , Lea David W , Spero Howard J , Mielke Koreen M , Kalve Erica M , Lea David W , Pak Dorothy K .

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Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2009
Source: Quaternary Research
Authors: Benway Heather M , Mix Alan C , Haley Brian A , Klinkhammer Gary P , Faul Kristina L , Ravelo Ana Christina , Delaney Margaret Lois , Koutavas Athanasios , Lynch-Stieglitz Jean , Lea David W , Pak Dorothy K , Spero Howard J , Leduc Guillaume , Vidal Laurence , Tachikawa Kazuyo , Bard Edouard , Lyle Mitchell W , Mix Alan C , Pisias Nicklas G , Martinez Ignacio , Keigwin Lloyd D , Barrows Timothy T , Yokoyama Yusuke , Southon John , Patrick Andrew , Thunell Robert C , Sadekov Aleksey Y , Ganeshram Raja S , Pichevin Laetitia , Berdin Rose , McClymont Erin L , Elderfield Henry , Tudhope Alexander W , Spero Howard J , Lea David W , Spero Howard J , Mielke Koreen M , Kalve Erica M , Lea David W , Pak Dorothy K .

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Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2002
Source: Paleoceanography
Authors: Benway Heather M , Mix Alan C , Haley Brian A , Klinkhammer Gary P , Faul Kristina L , Ravelo Ana Christina , Delaney Margaret Lois , Koutavas Athanasios , Lynch-Stieglitz Jean , Lea David W , Pak Dorothy K , Spero Howard J , Leduc Guillaume , Vidal Laurence , Tachikawa Kazuyo , Bard Edouard , Lyle Mitchell W , Mix Alan C , Pisias Nicklas G , Martinez Ignacio , Keigwin Lloyd D , Barrows Timothy T , Yokoyama Yusuke , Southon John , Patrick Andrew , Thunell Robert C , Sadekov Aleksey Y , Ganeshram Raja S , Pichevin Laetitia , Berdin Rose , McClymont Erin L , Elderfield Henry , Tudhope Alexander W , Spero Howard J , Lea David W , Spero Howard J , Mielke Koreen M , Kalve Erica M , Lea David W , Pak Dorothy K .

Title: La Niña-like conditions in the eastern equatorial Pacific and a stronger Choco jet in the northern Andes during the last glaciation
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2003
Source: Paleoceanography
Authors: Benway Heather M , Mix Alan C , Haley Brian A , Klinkhammer Gary P , Faul Kristina L , Ravelo Ana Christina , Delaney Margaret Lois , Koutavas Athanasios , Lynch-Stieglitz Jean , Lea David W , Pak Dorothy K , Spero Howard J , Leduc Guillaume , Vidal Laurence , Tachikawa Kazuyo , Bard Edouard , Lyle Mitchell W , Mix Alan C , Pisias Nicklas G , Martinez Ignacio , Keigwin Lloyd D , Barrows Timothy T , Yokoyama Yusuke , Southon John , Patrick Andrew , Thunell Robert C , Sadekov Aleksey Y , Ganeshram Raja S , Pichevin Laetitia , Berdin Rose , McClymont Erin L , Elderfield Henry , Tudhope Alexander W , Spero Howard J , Lea David W , Spero Howard J , Mielke Koreen M , Kalve Erica M , Lea David W , Pak Dorothy K .

Title: Tropical Pacific sea surface temperatures and upper water column thermal structure during the Last Glacial Maximum
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 1997
Source: Paleoceanography
Authors: Benway Heather M , Mix Alan C , Haley Brian A , Klinkhammer Gary P , Faul Kristina L , Ravelo Ana Christina , Delaney Margaret Lois , Koutavas Athanasios , Lynch-Stieglitz Jean , Lea David W , Pak Dorothy K , Spero Howard J , Leduc Guillaume , Vidal Laurence , Tachikawa Kazuyo , Bard Edouard , Lyle Mitchell W , Mix Alan C , Pisias Nicklas G , Martinez Ignacio , Keigwin Lloyd D , Barrows Timothy T , Yokoyama Yusuke , Southon John , Patrick Andrew , Thunell Robert C , Sadekov Aleksey Y , Ganeshram Raja S , Pichevin Laetitia , Berdin Rose , McClymont Erin L , Elderfield Henry , Tudhope Alexander W , Spero Howard J , Lea David W , Spero Howard J , Mielke Koreen M , Kalve Erica M , Lea David W , Pak Dorothy K .

Title: Palaeoclimate reconstructions reveal a strong link between El Niño-Southern Oscillation and Tropical Pacific mean state
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2013
Source: Nature Communications
Authors: Benway Heather M , Mix Alan C , Haley Brian A , Klinkhammer Gary P , Faul Kristina L , Ravelo Ana Christina , Delaney Margaret Lois , Koutavas Athanasios , Lynch-Stieglitz Jean , Lea David W , Pak Dorothy K , Spero Howard J , Leduc Guillaume , Vidal Laurence , Tachikawa Kazuyo , Bard Edouard , Lyle Mitchell W , Mix Alan C , Pisias Nicklas G , Martinez Ignacio , Keigwin Lloyd D , Barrows Timothy T , Yokoyama Yusuke , Southon John , Patrick Andrew , Thunell Robert C , Sadekov Aleksey Y , Ganeshram Raja S , Pichevin Laetitia , Berdin Rose , McClymont Erin L , Elderfield Henry , Tudhope Alexander W , Spero Howard J , Lea David W , Spero Howard J , Mielke Koreen M , Kalve Erica M , Lea David W , Pak Dorothy K .

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Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2002
Source: Science
Authors: Benway Heather M , Mix Alan C , Haley Brian A , Klinkhammer Gary P , Faul Kristina L , Ravelo Ana Christina , Delaney Margaret Lois , Koutavas Athanasios , Lynch-Stieglitz Jean , Lea David W , Pak Dorothy K , Spero Howard J , Leduc Guillaume , Vidal Laurence , Tachikawa Kazuyo , Bard Edouard , Lyle Mitchell W , Mix Alan C , Pisias Nicklas G , Martinez Ignacio , Keigwin Lloyd D , Barrows Timothy T , Yokoyama Yusuke , Southon John , Patrick Andrew , Thunell Robert C , Sadekov Aleksey Y , Ganeshram Raja S , Pichevin Laetitia , Berdin Rose , McClymont Erin L , Elderfield Henry , Tudhope Alexander W , Spero Howard J , Lea David W , Spero Howard J , Mielke Koreen M , Kalve Erica M , Lea David W , Pak Dorothy K .

Title: Multispecies approach to reconstructing eastern equatorial Pacific thermocline hydrography during the past 360 kyr
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2003
Source: Paleoceanography
Authors: Benway Heather M , Mix Alan C , Haley Brian A , Klinkhammer Gary P , Faul Kristina L , Ravelo Ana Christina , Delaney Margaret Lois , Koutavas Athanasios , Lynch-Stieglitz Jean , Lea David W , Pak Dorothy K , Spero Howard J , Leduc Guillaume , Vidal Laurence , Tachikawa Kazuyo , Bard Edouard , Lyle Mitchell W , Mix Alan C , Pisias Nicklas G , Martinez Ignacio , Keigwin Lloyd D , Barrows Timothy T , Yokoyama Yusuke , Southon John , Patrick Andrew , Thunell Robert C , Sadekov Aleksey Y , Ganeshram Raja S , Pichevin Laetitia , Berdin Rose , McClymont Erin L , Elderfield Henry , Tudhope Alexander W , Spero Howard J , Lea David W , Spero Howard J , Mielke Koreen M , Kalve Erica M , Lea David W , Pak Dorothy K .