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(Dataset 1) Standardised sea-level pressure anomalies from Bergen Florida (Norway)

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Comas-Bru, Laia, Hernández, Armand (2018). Dataset: (Dataset 1) Standardised sea-level pressure anomalies from Bergen Florida (Norway).

DOI retrieved: 2018

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-3.0
Author Comas-Bru, Laia
Given Name Laia
Family Name Comas-Bru
More Authors
Hernández, Armand
Source Creation 2018
Publication Year 2018
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: WMO_050540_SLP_anomaly
Subject Areas
Name: Lithosphere

Related Identifiers
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Year: 2018
Source: Earth System Science Data
Authors: Comas-Bru Laia , Hernández Armand , Klein Tank Albert M G , Können Gunther P , Böhm Reinhard , Demarée G , Gocheva A , Mileta M , Pashiardis S , Hejkrlik L , Kern-Hansen C , Heino R , Bessemoulin P , Müller-Westermeier G , Tzanakou M , Szalai S , Pálsdóttir T , FitzGerald Duncan M , Rubin S , Maugeri M , Leitass A , Bukantis A , Aberfeld R , Van Engelen Aryan FV , Mietus M , Coelho F , Mares C , Razuvaev Vyacheslav N , Nieplova E , Cegnar T , Antonio López J , Dahlström B , Kirchhofer W , Ceylan A , Pachaliuk O , Alexander Lisa V , Petrovic P .

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Authors: Comas-Bru Laia , Hernández Armand , Klein Tank Albert M G , Können Gunther P , Böhm Reinhard , Demarée G , Gocheva A , Mileta M , Pashiardis S , Hejkrlik L , Kern-Hansen C , Heino R , Bessemoulin P , Müller-Westermeier G , Tzanakou M , Szalai S , Pálsdóttir T , FitzGerald Duncan M , Rubin S , Maugeri M , Leitass A , Bukantis A , Aberfeld R , Van Engelen Aryan FV , Mietus M , Coelho F , Mares C , Razuvaev Vyacheslav N , Nieplova E , Cegnar T , Antonio López J , Dahlström B , Kirchhofer W , Ceylan A , Pachaliuk O , Alexander Lisa V , Petrovic P .