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Sediment oxygen uptake and benthic boundary fluxes at the sediment-water interface in the Canadian Arctic in 2008 and 2009

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Link, Heike, Archambault, Philippe, Chaillou, Gwénaëlle, Piepenburg, Dieter, Tremblay, Jean-Éric (2019). Dataset: Sediment oxygen uptake and benthic boundary fluxes at the sediment-water interface in the Canadian Arctic in 2008 and 2009.

DOI retrieved: 2019

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Link, Heike
Given Name Heike
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Archambault, Philippe
Chaillou, Gwénaëlle
Piepenburg, Dieter
Tremblay, Jean-Éric
Source Creation 2019
Publication Year 2019
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: Link-etal_2019_BBF_TOU
Subject Areas
Name: Atmosphere

Name: Ecology

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Title: Current state and trends in Canadian Arctic marine ecosystems: II. Heterotrophic food web, pelagic-benthic coupling, and biodiversity
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2012
Source: Climatic Change
Authors: Darnis Gerald , Robert Dominique , Pomerleau Corinne , Link Heike , Archambault Philippe , Nelson R J , Geoffroy Maxime , Tremblay Jean-Éric , Lovejoy Connie , Ferguson Steven H , Hunt Brian P V , Fortier Louis , Kiesel Joshua , Bienhold Christina , Wenzhöfer Frank , Link Heike , Link Heike , Link Heike , Archambault Philippe , Tamelander Tobias , Renaud Paul E , Piepenburg Dieter , Link Heike , Archambault Philippe , Tamelander Tobias , Renaud Paul E , Piepenburg Dieter , Link Heike , Chaillou Gwénaëlle , Forest Alexandre , Piepenburg Dieter , Archambault Philippe , Link Heike , Piepenburg Dieter , Archambault Philippe , Tremblay Jean-Éric , Bélanger Simon , Barber David G , Asplin M , Martin J , Darnis Gerald , Fortier Louis , Gratton Yves , Link Heike , Archambault Philippe , Sallon Amèlie , Michel Christine , Williams W J , Philippe Benoit , Gosselin M , Tremblay Jean-Éric , Bélanger Simon , Barber David G , Asplin M , Martin J , Darnis Gerald , Fortier Louis , Gratton Yves , Link Heike , Archambault Philippe , Sallon Amèlie , Michel Christine , Williams W J , Philippe Benoit , Gosselin M .

Title: Variability in Benthic Ecosystem Functioning in Arctic Shelf and Deep-Sea Sediments: Assessments by Benthic Oxygen Uptake Rates and Environmental Drivers
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2020
Source: Frontiers in Marine Science
Authors: Darnis Gerald , Robert Dominique , Pomerleau Corinne , Link Heike , Archambault Philippe , Nelson R J , Geoffroy Maxime , Tremblay Jean-Éric , Lovejoy Connie , Ferguson Steven H , Hunt Brian P V , Fortier Louis , Kiesel Joshua , Bienhold Christina , Wenzhöfer Frank , Link Heike , Link Heike , Link Heike , Archambault Philippe , Tamelander Tobias , Renaud Paul E , Piepenburg Dieter , Link Heike , Archambault Philippe , Tamelander Tobias , Renaud Paul E , Piepenburg Dieter , Link Heike , Chaillou Gwénaëlle , Forest Alexandre , Piepenburg Dieter , Archambault Philippe , Link Heike , Piepenburg Dieter , Archambault Philippe , Tremblay Jean-Éric , Bélanger Simon , Barber David G , Asplin M , Martin J , Darnis Gerald , Fortier Louis , Gratton Yves , Link Heike , Archambault Philippe , Sallon Amèlie , Michel Christine , Williams W J , Philippe Benoit , Gosselin M , Tremblay Jean-Éric , Bélanger Simon , Barber David G , Asplin M , Martin J , Darnis Gerald , Fortier Louis , Gratton Yves , Link Heike , Archambault Philippe , Sallon Amèlie , Michel Christine , Williams W J , Philippe Benoit , Gosselin M .

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Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2012
Source: Rimouski, Québec, Université du Québec à Rimouski, Institut des sciences de la mer de Rimouski (ISMER)
Authors: Darnis Gerald , Robert Dominique , Pomerleau Corinne , Link Heike , Archambault Philippe , Nelson R J , Geoffroy Maxime , Tremblay Jean-Éric , Lovejoy Connie , Ferguson Steven H , Hunt Brian P V , Fortier Louis , Kiesel Joshua , Bienhold Christina , Wenzhöfer Frank , Link Heike , Link Heike , Link Heike , Archambault Philippe , Tamelander Tobias , Renaud Paul E , Piepenburg Dieter , Link Heike , Archambault Philippe , Tamelander Tobias , Renaud Paul E , Piepenburg Dieter , Link Heike , Chaillou Gwénaëlle , Forest Alexandre , Piepenburg Dieter , Archambault Philippe , Link Heike , Piepenburg Dieter , Archambault Philippe , Tremblay Jean-Éric , Bélanger Simon , Barber David G , Asplin M , Martin J , Darnis Gerald , Fortier Louis , Gratton Yves , Link Heike , Archambault Philippe , Sallon Amèlie , Michel Christine , Williams W J , Philippe Benoit , Gosselin M , Tremblay Jean-Éric , Bélanger Simon , Barber David G , Asplin M , Martin J , Darnis Gerald , Fortier Louis , Gratton Yves , Link Heike , Archambault Philippe , Sallon Amèlie , Michel Christine , Williams W J , Philippe Benoit , Gosselin M .

Title: Sea ice cover, and bottom water and sediment characteristics at stations in the Amundsen Gulf, Canada
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2011
Authors: Darnis Gerald , Robert Dominique , Pomerleau Corinne , Link Heike , Archambault Philippe , Nelson R J , Geoffroy Maxime , Tremblay Jean-Éric , Lovejoy Connie , Ferguson Steven H , Hunt Brian P V , Fortier Louis , Kiesel Joshua , Bienhold Christina , Wenzhöfer Frank , Link Heike , Link Heike , Link Heike , Archambault Philippe , Tamelander Tobias , Renaud Paul E , Piepenburg Dieter , Link Heike , Archambault Philippe , Tamelander Tobias , Renaud Paul E , Piepenburg Dieter , Link Heike , Chaillou Gwénaëlle , Forest Alexandre , Piepenburg Dieter , Archambault Philippe , Link Heike , Piepenburg Dieter , Archambault Philippe , Tremblay Jean-Éric , Bélanger Simon , Barber David G , Asplin M , Martin J , Darnis Gerald , Fortier Louis , Gratton Yves , Link Heike , Archambault Philippe , Sallon Amèlie , Michel Christine , Williams W J , Philippe Benoit , Gosselin M , Tremblay Jean-Éric , Bélanger Simon , Barber David G , Asplin M , Martin J , Darnis Gerald , Fortier Louis , Gratton Yves , Link Heike , Archambault Philippe , Sallon Amèlie , Michel Christine , Williams W J , Philippe Benoit , Gosselin M .

Title: Spring-to-summer changes and regional variability of benthic processes in the western Canadian Arctic
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2011
Source: Polar Biology
Authors: Darnis Gerald , Robert Dominique , Pomerleau Corinne , Link Heike , Archambault Philippe , Nelson R J , Geoffroy Maxime , Tremblay Jean-Éric , Lovejoy Connie , Ferguson Steven H , Hunt Brian P V , Fortier Louis , Kiesel Joshua , Bienhold Christina , Wenzhöfer Frank , Link Heike , Link Heike , Link Heike , Archambault Philippe , Tamelander Tobias , Renaud Paul E , Piepenburg Dieter , Link Heike , Archambault Philippe , Tamelander Tobias , Renaud Paul E , Piepenburg Dieter , Link Heike , Chaillou Gwénaëlle , Forest Alexandre , Piepenburg Dieter , Archambault Philippe , Link Heike , Piepenburg Dieter , Archambault Philippe , Tremblay Jean-Éric , Bélanger Simon , Barber David G , Asplin M , Martin J , Darnis Gerald , Fortier Louis , Gratton Yves , Link Heike , Archambault Philippe , Sallon Amèlie , Michel Christine , Williams W J , Philippe Benoit , Gosselin M , Tremblay Jean-Éric , Bélanger Simon , Barber David G , Asplin M , Martin J , Darnis Gerald , Fortier Louis , Gratton Yves , Link Heike , Archambault Philippe , Sallon Amèlie , Michel Christine , Williams W J , Philippe Benoit , Gosselin M .

Title: Multivariate benthic ecosystem functioning in the Arctic - benthic fluxes explained by environmental parameters in the southeastern Beaufort Sea
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2013
Source: Biogeosciences
Authors: Darnis Gerald , Robert Dominique , Pomerleau Corinne , Link Heike , Archambault Philippe , Nelson R J , Geoffroy Maxime , Tremblay Jean-Éric , Lovejoy Connie , Ferguson Steven H , Hunt Brian P V , Fortier Louis , Kiesel Joshua , Bienhold Christina , Wenzhöfer Frank , Link Heike , Link Heike , Link Heike , Archambault Philippe , Tamelander Tobias , Renaud Paul E , Piepenburg Dieter , Link Heike , Archambault Philippe , Tamelander Tobias , Renaud Paul E , Piepenburg Dieter , Link Heike , Chaillou Gwénaëlle , Forest Alexandre , Piepenburg Dieter , Archambault Philippe , Link Heike , Piepenburg Dieter , Archambault Philippe , Tremblay Jean-Éric , Bélanger Simon , Barber David G , Asplin M , Martin J , Darnis Gerald , Fortier Louis , Gratton Yves , Link Heike , Archambault Philippe , Sallon Amèlie , Michel Christine , Williams W J , Philippe Benoit , Gosselin M , Tremblay Jean-Éric , Bélanger Simon , Barber David G , Asplin M , Martin J , Darnis Gerald , Fortier Louis , Gratton Yves , Link Heike , Archambault Philippe , Sallon Amèlie , Michel Christine , Williams W J , Philippe Benoit , Gosselin M .

Title: Are Hotspots Always Hotspots? The Relationship between Diversity, Resource and Ecosystem Functions in the Arctic
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2013
Source: PLoS ONE
Authors: Darnis Gerald , Robert Dominique , Pomerleau Corinne , Link Heike , Archambault Philippe , Nelson R J , Geoffroy Maxime , Tremblay Jean-Éric , Lovejoy Connie , Ferguson Steven H , Hunt Brian P V , Fortier Louis , Kiesel Joshua , Bienhold Christina , Wenzhöfer Frank , Link Heike , Link Heike , Link Heike , Archambault Philippe , Tamelander Tobias , Renaud Paul E , Piepenburg Dieter , Link Heike , Archambault Philippe , Tamelander Tobias , Renaud Paul E , Piepenburg Dieter , Link Heike , Chaillou Gwénaëlle , Forest Alexandre , Piepenburg Dieter , Archambault Philippe , Link Heike , Piepenburg Dieter , Archambault Philippe , Tremblay Jean-Éric , Bélanger Simon , Barber David G , Asplin M , Martin J , Darnis Gerald , Fortier Louis , Gratton Yves , Link Heike , Archambault Philippe , Sallon Amèlie , Michel Christine , Williams W J , Philippe Benoit , Gosselin M , Tremblay Jean-Éric , Bélanger Simon , Barber David G , Asplin M , Martin J , Darnis Gerald , Fortier Louis , Gratton Yves , Link Heike , Archambault Philippe , Sallon Amèlie , Michel Christine , Williams W J , Philippe Benoit , Gosselin M .

Title: (Supplement 1) Benthic carbon turnover and sediment pigments in the southeastern Beaufort Sea during CCGS Amundsen cruise in summer 2008
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2011
Authors: Darnis Gerald , Robert Dominique , Pomerleau Corinne , Link Heike , Archambault Philippe , Nelson R J , Geoffroy Maxime , Tremblay Jean-Éric , Lovejoy Connie , Ferguson Steven H , Hunt Brian P V , Fortier Louis , Kiesel Joshua , Bienhold Christina , Wenzhöfer Frank , Link Heike , Link Heike , Link Heike , Archambault Philippe , Tamelander Tobias , Renaud Paul E , Piepenburg Dieter , Link Heike , Archambault Philippe , Tamelander Tobias , Renaud Paul E , Piepenburg Dieter , Link Heike , Chaillou Gwénaëlle , Forest Alexandre , Piepenburg Dieter , Archambault Philippe , Link Heike , Piepenburg Dieter , Archambault Philippe , Tremblay Jean-Éric , Bélanger Simon , Barber David G , Asplin M , Martin J , Darnis Gerald , Fortier Louis , Gratton Yves , Link Heike , Archambault Philippe , Sallon Amèlie , Michel Christine , Williams W J , Philippe Benoit , Gosselin M , Tremblay Jean-Éric , Bélanger Simon , Barber David G , Asplin M , Martin J , Darnis Gerald , Fortier Louis , Gratton Yves , Link Heike , Archambault Philippe , Sallon Amèlie , Michel Christine , Williams W J , Philippe Benoit , Gosselin M .

Title: Climate forcing multiplies biological productivity in the coastal Arctic Ocean
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2011
Source: Geophysical Research Letters
Authors: Darnis Gerald , Robert Dominique , Pomerleau Corinne , Link Heike , Archambault Philippe , Nelson R J , Geoffroy Maxime , Tremblay Jean-Éric , Lovejoy Connie , Ferguson Steven H , Hunt Brian P V , Fortier Louis , Kiesel Joshua , Bienhold Christina , Wenzhöfer Frank , Link Heike , Link Heike , Link Heike , Archambault Philippe , Tamelander Tobias , Renaud Paul E , Piepenburg Dieter , Link Heike , Archambault Philippe , Tamelander Tobias , Renaud Paul E , Piepenburg Dieter , Link Heike , Chaillou Gwénaëlle , Forest Alexandre , Piepenburg Dieter , Archambault Philippe , Link Heike , Piepenburg Dieter , Archambault Philippe , Tremblay Jean-Éric , Bélanger Simon , Barber David G , Asplin M , Martin J , Darnis Gerald , Fortier Louis , Gratton Yves , Link Heike , Archambault Philippe , Sallon Amèlie , Michel Christine , Williams W J , Philippe Benoit , Gosselin M , Tremblay Jean-Éric , Bélanger Simon , Barber David G , Asplin M , Martin J , Darnis Gerald , Fortier Louis , Gratton Yves , Link Heike , Archambault Philippe , Sallon Amèlie , Michel Christine , Williams W J , Philippe Benoit , Gosselin M .