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Mario Zucchelli Radar, Disdrometric and snow gauge measurements during summer precipitation events

Precipitation fallen during the summer months (November-December-January) on four expeditions, 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18, and 2018-19, in the Terra Nova Bay area, were monitored using a vertically pointing radar, disdrometer and snow gauge. The vertical pointing METEK Micro Rain Radar 2 (MRR) was installed in MZS at the end of November 2015. It records Doppler velocity spectra every 10 s at 32 range gates. The radar gate spacing was set to 100 m allowing the profiler to sound heights ranging from 100 to 3100 m above the surface. The raw K-band power spectra, collected by the MRR, were processed applying the method proposed by Maahn and Kollias (2012) to correct for noise and aliasing effects, making them suitable for snow observation. A Thies CLIMA laser disdrometer (LPM), has been operational since December 2014.The disdrometer can simultaneously count and measure the size and fall velocity of hydrometeors (Frasson and others, 2011). A Total Rain weighing Sensor (TRwS) manufactured by MPS system was installed during the december 2018- January 2019 campaign within the YOPP observing period. The TRwS is a total rain/snowfall weighing gauge with an orifice area of 400 cm2, a depth accuracy of 0.01 mm of w.e. and a one -minute sampling time resolution (Savina and others, 2012). The TRwS was protected by an alter shield in order to minimize wind effect over the accumulation inside the instrumentation.

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Scarchilli, Claudio (2020). Dataset: Mario Zucchelli Radar, Disdrometric and snow gauge measurements during summer precipitation events.

DOI retrieved: 2020

Additional Info

Field Value
Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Scarchilli, Claudio
Given Name Claudio
Family Name Scarchilli
Source Creation 2020
Publication Year 2020
Resource Type application/zip - filename: Scarchilli_2020
Subject Areas
Name: LandSurface

Name: Lithosphere

Related Identifiers
Title: Characterization of snowfall estimated by in situ and ground-based remote-sensing observations at Terra Nova Bay, Victoria Land, Antarctica
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2020
Source: Journal of Glaciology
Authors: Scarchilli Claudio , Ciardini Virginia , Grigioni Paolo , Iaccarino Antonio , De Silvestri Lorenzo , Proposito Marco , Dolci Stefano , Camporeale Giuseppe , Schioppo Riccardo , Antonelli Adriano , Baldini Luca , Roberto Nicoletta , Argentini Stefania , Bracci Alessandro , Frezzotti Massimo , Frasson Renato Prata de Moraes , da Cunha Luciana Kindl , Krajewski Witold F , Maahn Maximilian , Kollias Pavlos .

Title: Assessment of the Thies optical disdrometer performance
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2011
Source: Atmospheric Research
Authors: Scarchilli Claudio , Ciardini Virginia , Grigioni Paolo , Iaccarino Antonio , De Silvestri Lorenzo , Proposito Marco , Dolci Stefano , Camporeale Giuseppe , Schioppo Riccardo , Antonelli Adriano , Baldini Luca , Roberto Nicoletta , Argentini Stefania , Bracci Alessandro , Frezzotti Massimo , Frasson Renato Prata de Moraes , da Cunha Luciana Kindl , Krajewski Witold F , Maahn Maximilian , Kollias Pavlos .

Title: Improved Micro Rain Radar snow measurements using Doppler spectra post-processing
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2012
Source: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques
Authors: Scarchilli Claudio , Ciardini Virginia , Grigioni Paolo , Iaccarino Antonio , De Silvestri Lorenzo , Proposito Marco , Dolci Stefano , Camporeale Giuseppe , Schioppo Riccardo , Antonelli Adriano , Baldini Luca , Roberto Nicoletta , Argentini Stefania , Bracci Alessandro , Frezzotti Massimo , Frasson Renato Prata de Moraes , da Cunha Luciana Kindl , Krajewski Witold F , Maahn Maximilian , Kollias Pavlos .