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Carbonate chemistry and dissolved oxygen in the Gulf of Papagayo (Culebra Bay), Costa Rica

Salinity, pH, sea water temperature (SWT) and pCO2 was measured at a water-depth of ~ 3 m at the Marina Papagayo (85°39'21.41"W; 10°32'32.89"N) in Costa Rica in April 2009. SWT and the pCO2 was measured by using SUNDANS, which was developed by "Marine Analytics and Data" (MARIANDA, Germany, according to the recommendations of the 2002 underway pCO2 system workshop in Miami, Florida. Salinity and the dissolved oxygen concentrations were determined by using WTW probes (Cond3310 and Multi 340i). The pH was measured using an Orion ROSS electrode and an Orion StarTM. The Orion ROSS electrode was calibrated by using NBS standards and re-calibrated to total scale by using the RCM standards (Batch 82: Omega_Aragonite (Ωa), DIC, and TA were calculated based on the ƒCO2 and the pH. Rixen et al. 2012 provides more detailed information.

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Rixen, Tim (2020). Dataset: Carbonate chemistry and dissolved oxygen in the Gulf of Papagayo (Culebra Bay), Costa Rica.

DOI retrieved: 2020

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Field Value
Imported on November 29, 2024
Last update November 29, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Rixen, Tim
Given Name Tim
Family Name Rixen
Source Creation 2020
Publication Year 2020
Resource Type application/zip - filename: Rixen-etal_2012
Subject Areas
Name: Biosphere

Related Identifiers
Title: Impact of upwelling events on the sea water carbonate chemistry and dissolved oxygen concentration in the Gulf of Papagayo (Culebra Bay), Costa Rica: Implications for coral reefs
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2012
Source: Revista de Biologia Tropical
Authors: Rixen Tim , Jiménez Carlos , Cortés Jorge .