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Sea-ice biomarkers, benthic and planktonic foraminiferal abundance, and total organic carbon in Holocene sediments from outer Petermann Fjord, Greenland

Composite sediment core OD1507-03TC-41GC-03PC was collected at an average water depth of 976 m in outer Petermann Fjord during The Petermann 2015 Expedition to Petermann Fjord and adjacent Hall Basin in Nares Strait, northern Greenland. Previous results showed that the splice covers large parts of the Holocene, from the present to 6,900 cal yrs BP (Reilly et al. 2019). The core was sampled approximately every 5 cm for sea-ice related biomarker and total organic carbon (TOC) analyses and approximately every 10 cm for foraminiferal abundance counts. Where enough material was available, the depth of foraminiferal samples match the depth of biomarker samples. Sea-ice related biomarkers (IP25, HBI II, Brassicasterol, Cholesterol, Dinosterol, Campesterol, and β-sitosterol) where extracted using saponification (5% potassium hydroxide (KOH) in methanol (MeOH):H2O (9:1, v/v); 70°C, 1 h) followed by extraction of the non-saponifiable lipids into hexane (3 x 2 mL). After sample purification the different biomarkers were analysed on an Agilent 7890B GC fitted with an HP-5ms Ultra Inert column (30 m x 250 μm x 0.25 μm) coupled to a 5977A series mass selective detector and equipped with a Gerstel multipurpose sampler (MPS) at Aarhus University. TOC measurements and analysis of the carbon isotopic composition of the TOC were performed on 10 mg of the same sample material as for biomarker analyses. The samples were treated with 35% HCl prior to analyses, to remove inorganic carbon. The stable isotope δ13Corg and % wt TOC were measured using a continuous-flow IsoPrime IRMS coupled to an Elementar PyroCube elemental analyser at the Aarhus AMS Centre (AARAMS), Aarhus University, Denmark. Samples for foraminiferal abundance counts were wet sieved at 63 µm and counted wet, submerged in a 'storage' solution of 70 % distilled water and 30 % ethanol with baking soda to preserve fragile calcareous and agglutinated tests. A wet splitter was used when necessary to achieve a count of at least 200-300 benthic foraminifers.

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Cite this as

Detlef, Henrieka, Reilly, Brendan T, Jennings, Anne E, Mørk Jensen, Mads, O'Regan, Matt, Glasius, Marianne, Olsen, Jesper, Jakobsson, Martin, Pearce, Christof (2021). Dataset: Sea-ice biomarkers, benthic and planktonic foraminiferal abundance, and total organic carbon in Holocene sediments from outer Petermann Fjord, Greenland.

DOI retrieved: 2021

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Field Value
Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Detlef, Henrieka
Given Name Henrieka
Family Name Detlef
More Authors
Reilly, Brendan T
Jennings, Anne E
Mørk Jensen, Mads
O'Regan, Matt
Glasius, Marianne
Olsen, Jesper
Jakobsson, Martin
Pearce, Christof
Source Creation 2021
Publication Year 2021
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: OD1507_petermann_fjord
Subject Areas
Name: BiologicalClassification

Name: Chemistry

Name: Paleontology

Related Identifiers
Title: Holocene sea-ice dynamics in Petermann Fjord
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Authors: Detlef Henrieka , et al. , Reilly Brendan T , Stoner Joseph S , Mix Alan C , Walczak Maureen H , Jennings Anne E , Jakobsson Martin , Dyke Laurence , Glueder Anna , Nicholls Keith W , Hogan Kelly A , Mayer Larry A , Hatfield Robert George , Albert Sam , Marcott Shaun A , Fallon Stewart J , Cheseby Maziet .

Title: Holocene break-up and reestablishment of the Petermann Ice Tongue, Northwest Greenland
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2019
Source: Quaternary Science Reviews
Authors: Detlef Henrieka , et al. , Reilly Brendan T , Stoner Joseph S , Mix Alan C , Walczak Maureen H , Jennings Anne E , Jakobsson Martin , Dyke Laurence , Glueder Anna , Nicholls Keith W , Hogan Kelly A , Mayer Larry A , Hatfield Robert George , Albert Sam , Marcott Shaun A , Fallon Stewart J , Cheseby Maziet .