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Element abundances of tap waters from several major US metropolitan areas

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Tipple, Brett James, Chau, Thuan H, Chesson, Lesley A, Ehleringer, James Russell, Mancuso, Christy J, Valenzuela, Luciano O (2023). Dataset: Element abundances of tap waters from several major US metropolitan areas.

DOI retrieved: 2023

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Imported on November 29, 2024
Last update November 29, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Tipple, Brett James
Given Name Brett James
Family Name Tipple
More Authors
Chau, Thuan H
Chesson, Lesley A
Ehleringer, James Russell
Mancuso, Christy J
Valenzuela, Luciano O
Source Creation 2023
Publication Year 2023
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: 210322_NIJ_Tap_Water_TE
Subject Areas
Name: Ecology

Name: HumanDimensions

Name: LakesRivers

Related Identifiers
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Type: DOI
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Year: 2014
Source: Department of Justice, National Criminal Justice Reference Service, Document Number 248977
Authors: Tipple Brett James , Tipple Brett James , Tipple Brett James , Jameel Yusuf , Chau Thuan H , Mancuso Christy J , Bowen Gabriel J , Dufour Alexis , Chesson Lesley A , Ehleringer James Russell , Tipple Brett James , Valenzuela Luciano O , Chau Thuan H , Hu Lihai , Bataille Clement P , Chesson Lesley A , Ehleringer James Russell , Tipple Brett James , Valenzuela Luciano O , Ehleringer James Russell .

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Source: Department of Justice, National Criminal Justice Reference Service, Document Number 250339
Authors: Tipple Brett James , Tipple Brett James , Tipple Brett James , Jameel Yusuf , Chau Thuan H , Mancuso Christy J , Bowen Gabriel J , Dufour Alexis , Chesson Lesley A , Ehleringer James Russell , Tipple Brett James , Valenzuela Luciano O , Chau Thuan H , Hu Lihai , Bataille Clement P , Chesson Lesley A , Ehleringer James Russell , Tipple Brett James , Valenzuela Luciano O , Ehleringer James Russell .

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Source: Water Research
Authors: Tipple Brett James , Tipple Brett James , Tipple Brett James , Jameel Yusuf , Chau Thuan H , Mancuso Christy J , Bowen Gabriel J , Dufour Alexis , Chesson Lesley A , Ehleringer James Russell , Tipple Brett James , Valenzuela Luciano O , Chau Thuan H , Hu Lihai , Bataille Clement P , Chesson Lesley A , Ehleringer James Russell , Tipple Brett James , Valenzuela Luciano O , Ehleringer James Russell .

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Authors: Tipple Brett James , Tipple Brett James , Tipple Brett James , Jameel Yusuf , Chau Thuan H , Mancuso Christy J , Bowen Gabriel J , Dufour Alexis , Chesson Lesley A , Ehleringer James Russell , Tipple Brett James , Valenzuela Luciano O , Chau Thuan H , Hu Lihai , Bataille Clement P , Chesson Lesley A , Ehleringer James Russell , Tipple Brett James , Valenzuela Luciano O , Ehleringer James Russell .

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Authors: Tipple Brett James , Tipple Brett James , Tipple Brett James , Jameel Yusuf , Chau Thuan H , Mancuso Christy J , Bowen Gabriel J , Dufour Alexis , Chesson Lesley A , Ehleringer James Russell , Tipple Brett James , Valenzuela Luciano O , Chau Thuan H , Hu Lihai , Bataille Clement P , Chesson Lesley A , Ehleringer James Russell , Tipple Brett James , Valenzuela Luciano O , Ehleringer James Russell .