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Iron partitioning in the upper 300 m of the water column during the cruise ANT-XXVIII/3 in waters of the Southern Ocean

Iron concentrations in unfiltered and filtered seawater, using different pore sizes were determined in the upper 300 m of the water column during cruise ANT-XXVIII/3 in waters of the Southern Ocean. Iron concentrations were analysed onboard by voltammetry after at least 24 h acidification at pH 2.0 and addition of 2,3 dihydroxynaphtalene (Laglera et al., 2013). The cruise initially sampled a North-South transect across the Antarctic Polar Front (APF) at 10ºE.

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Laglera, Luis Miguel, Santos-Echeandía, Juan, Fischer, Lisa, Hann, Stephan (2024). Dataset: Iron partitioning in the upper 300 m of the water column during the cruise ANT-XXVIII/3 in waters of the Southern Ocean.

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Laglera, Luis Miguel
Given Name Luis Miguel
Family Name Laglera
More Authors
Santos-Echeandía, Juan
Fischer, Lisa
Hann, Stephan
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: PS79_Fe_3loc
Subject Areas
Name: Oceans

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Type: DOI
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Year: 2017
Source: Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography
Authors: Hoppe Clara Jule Marie , Klaas Christine , Ossebaar Sharyn , Soppa Mariana A , Cheah Wee , Laglera Luis Miguel , Santos-Echeandía Juan , Rost Björn , Wolf-Gladrow Dieter A , Bracher Astrid , Hoppema Mario , Strass Volker H , Trimborn Scarlett , Laglera Luis Miguel , Santos-Echeandía Juan , Caprara Salvatore , Monticelli Damiano , Puigcorbé Viena , Roca-Martí Montserrat , Masqué Pere , Benitez-Nelson Claudia R , Rutgers van der Loeff Michiel M , Laglera Luis Miguel , Bracher Astrid , Cheah Wee , Strass Volker H , Hoppema Mario , Santos-Echeandía Juan , Hunt Brian P V , Pakhomov Evgeny A , Klaas Christine .

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Type: DOI
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Year: 2013
Source: Analytical Chemistry
Authors: Hoppe Clara Jule Marie , Klaas Christine , Ossebaar Sharyn , Soppa Mariana A , Cheah Wee , Laglera Luis Miguel , Santos-Echeandía Juan , Rost Björn , Wolf-Gladrow Dieter A , Bracher Astrid , Hoppema Mario , Strass Volker H , Trimborn Scarlett , Laglera Luis Miguel , Santos-Echeandía Juan , Caprara Salvatore , Monticelli Damiano , Puigcorbé Viena , Roca-Martí Montserrat , Masqué Pere , Benitez-Nelson Claudia R , Rutgers van der Loeff Michiel M , Laglera Luis Miguel , Bracher Astrid , Cheah Wee , Strass Volker H , Hoppema Mario , Santos-Echeandía Juan , Hunt Brian P V , Pakhomov Evgeny A , Klaas Christine .

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Type: DOI
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Year: 2017
Source: Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography
Authors: Hoppe Clara Jule Marie , Klaas Christine , Ossebaar Sharyn , Soppa Mariana A , Cheah Wee , Laglera Luis Miguel , Santos-Echeandía Juan , Rost Björn , Wolf-Gladrow Dieter A , Bracher Astrid , Hoppema Mario , Strass Volker H , Trimborn Scarlett , Laglera Luis Miguel , Santos-Echeandía Juan , Caprara Salvatore , Monticelli Damiano , Puigcorbé Viena , Roca-Martí Montserrat , Masqué Pere , Benitez-Nelson Claudia R , Rutgers van der Loeff Michiel M , Laglera Luis Miguel , Bracher Astrid , Cheah Wee , Strass Volker H , Hoppema Mario , Santos-Echeandía Juan , Hunt Brian P V , Pakhomov Evgeny A , Klaas Christine .