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Nitrous oxide production rates and stable isotopes in the Benguela Upwelling System during METEOR cruise M157

Upwelling systems are significant sources of atmospheric nitrous oxide (N₂O). The Benguela Upwelling System is one of the most productive regions worldwide and a temporally variable source of N₂O. Strong O₂ depletions above the shelf are favoring periodically OMZ formations. We aimed to assess underlying N₂O production and consumption processes on different temporal and spatial scales during austral winter in the Benguela Upwelling System, when O₂-deficiency in the water column is relatively low. The fieldwork took place during the cruise M157 (August 4th – September 16th 2019) onboard the R/V METEOR. This expedition included four close-coastal regions around Walvis Bay at 23°S, which presented the lowest O₂ concentrations near the seafloor and thus may provide hotspots of N₂O production. Seawater was collected in 10 L free-flow bottles by using a rosette system equipped with conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) sensors (SBE 911plus, Seabird-electronics, USA). Incubation experiments were performed using stable isotope ¹⁵N-tracers. Seawater samples for ¹⁵N-tracer incubations and natural abundance N₂O analysis were collected from 10 L free-flow bottles and filled bubble-free into 125 mL serum bottles. The samples for natural abundance N₂O analysis were immediately fixed with saturated HgCl₂ and stored in the dark. To perform the incubation, we added ¹⁵N-labeled NO₂-, NO₃⁻ and NH₄⁺ to estimate the in-situ N₂O production rates and associated reactions. To determine a single rate, the bottles were sacrificed after tracer addition, and within the time interval of 12 h, 24 h and 48 h by adding HgCl₂. Rates were calculated based on a linear regression over time. Total N₂O and natural abundance isotopologues of N₂O were analyzed by using an isotope ratio mass spectrometer (IRMS, Delta V Plus, Thermo Scientific). NO₂- production was additionally analyzed by transforming ¹⁵NO₂- to ¹⁵N₂O following the azide method after McIlvin & Altabet (2005) and the nitrogen isotope ratio of N₂O was measured by an IRMS. N₂ production was determined via an IRMS (Flash-EA-ConfloIV-DELTA V Advanced, Thermo Scientific) by injecting headspace from exetainers. The N₂O yield per nitrite produced and the N₂O yield during denitrification was calculated. Samples for natural abundance N₂O was sampled and measured in triplicates and is shown as an average with standard deviation (SD). In order to estimate the contribution of different N₂O producing pathways by major biological processes and the extent of N₂O reduction to N₂, the dual-isotope mapping approach was applied to natural abundance isotopologues of N₂O, which uses the relative position of background-subtracted N₂O samples in a δ¹⁵Nˢᴾ-N₂O vs. δ¹⁸O-N₂O diagram (Yu et al., 2020; Lewicka-Szczebak et al., 2020).

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Dangl, Gabriela, Frey, Claudia, Hassenrück, Christiane, Sabbaghzadeh, Bita, Wäge-Recchioni, Janine, Lehmann, Moritz F, Ley, Martin, Rehder, Gregor, Jürgens, Klaus (2023). Dataset: Nitrous oxide production rates and stable isotopes in the Benguela Upwelling System during METEOR cruise M157.

DOI retrieved: 2023

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Imported on December 1, 2024
Last update December 1, 2024
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Author Dangl, Gabriela
Given Name Gabriela
Family Name Dangl
More Authors
Frey, Claudia
Hassenrück, Christiane
Sabbaghzadeh, Bita
Wäge-Recchioni, Janine
Lehmann, Moritz F
Ley, Martin
Rehder, Gregor
Jürgens, Klaus
Source Creation 2023
Publication Year 2023
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: M157_IncExp_2019
Subject Areas
Name: Chemistry

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Title: Nitrous oxide production rates and stable isotopes in the Benguela Upwelling System during METEOR cruise M157
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2024
Authors: Dangl Gabriela , Frey Claudia , Hassenrück Christiane , Sabbaghzadeh Bita , Wäge-Recchioni Janine , Lehmann Moritz F , Ley Martin , Rehder Gregor , Jürgens Klaus , Dangl Gabriela , Frey Claudia , Hassenrück Christiane , Sabbaghzadeh Bita , Wäge-Recchioni Janine , Lehmann Moritz F , Ley Martin , Rehder Gregor , Jürgens Klaus , Dangl Gabriela , Frey Claudia , Hassenrück Christiane , Sabbaghzadeh Bita , Wäge-Recchioni Janine , Lehmann Moritz F , Ley Martin , Rehder Gregor , Jürgens Klaus , Dangl Gabriela , Frey Claudia , Hassenrück Christiane , Sabbaghzadeh Bita , Wäge-Recchioni Janine , Lehmann Moritz F , Ley Martin , Rehder Gregor , Jürgens Klaus , Sabbaghzadeh Bita , Glockzin Michael , Rehder Gregor , Zabel Matthias , Lewicka-Szczebak Dominika , Lewicki Maciej Piotr , Well Reinhard , McIlvin Matthew R , Altabet Mark A , Toyoda Sakae , Kuroki Natsuko , Yoshida Naohiro , Ishijima Kentaro , Tohjima Yasunori , Machida Toshinobu , Yu Longfei , Harris Eliza , Lewicka-Szczebak Dominika , Barthel M , Blomberg Margareta RA , Harris Stephen J , Johnson Matthew S , Lehmann Moritz F , Liisberg Jesper , Müller Christoph , Ostrom Nathaniel E , Six Johan , Toyoda Sakae , Yoshida Naohiro , Mohn Joachim .

Title: 16S amplicon sequences of the microbial communities in the water column of the Northern Benguela Upwelling System
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2023
Source: European Nucleotide Archive (ENA)
Authors: Dangl Gabriela , Frey Claudia , Hassenrück Christiane , Sabbaghzadeh Bita , Wäge-Recchioni Janine , Lehmann Moritz F , Ley Martin , Rehder Gregor , Jürgens Klaus , Dangl Gabriela , Frey Claudia , Hassenrück Christiane , Sabbaghzadeh Bita , Wäge-Recchioni Janine , Lehmann Moritz F , Ley Martin , Rehder Gregor , Jürgens Klaus , Dangl Gabriela , Frey Claudia , Hassenrück Christiane , Sabbaghzadeh Bita , Wäge-Recchioni Janine , Lehmann Moritz F , Ley Martin , Rehder Gregor , Jürgens Klaus , Dangl Gabriela , Frey Claudia , Hassenrück Christiane , Sabbaghzadeh Bita , Wäge-Recchioni Janine , Lehmann Moritz F , Ley Martin , Rehder Gregor , Jürgens Klaus , Sabbaghzadeh Bita , Glockzin Michael , Rehder Gregor , Zabel Matthias , Lewicka-Szczebak Dominika , Lewicki Maciej Piotr , Well Reinhard , McIlvin Matthew R , Altabet Mark A , Toyoda Sakae , Kuroki Natsuko , Yoshida Naohiro , Ishijima Kentaro , Tohjima Yasunori , Machida Toshinobu , Yu Longfei , Harris Eliza , Lewicka-Szczebak Dominika , Barthel M , Blomberg Margareta RA , Harris Stephen J , Johnson Matthew S , Lehmann Moritz F , Liisberg Jesper , Müller Christoph , Ostrom Nathaniel E , Six Johan , Toyoda Sakae , Yoshida Naohiro , Mohn Joachim .

Title: Inorganic nutrient measurements in the Benguela Upwelling System during METEOR cruise M157
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2023
Authors: Dangl Gabriela , Frey Claudia , Hassenrück Christiane , Sabbaghzadeh Bita , Wäge-Recchioni Janine , Lehmann Moritz F , Ley Martin , Rehder Gregor , Jürgens Klaus , Dangl Gabriela , Frey Claudia , Hassenrück Christiane , Sabbaghzadeh Bita , Wäge-Recchioni Janine , Lehmann Moritz F , Ley Martin , Rehder Gregor , Jürgens Klaus , Dangl Gabriela , Frey Claudia , Hassenrück Christiane , Sabbaghzadeh Bita , Wäge-Recchioni Janine , Lehmann Moritz F , Ley Martin , Rehder Gregor , Jürgens Klaus , Dangl Gabriela , Frey Claudia , Hassenrück Christiane , Sabbaghzadeh Bita , Wäge-Recchioni Janine , Lehmann Moritz F , Ley Martin , Rehder Gregor , Jürgens Klaus , Sabbaghzadeh Bita , Glockzin Michael , Rehder Gregor , Zabel Matthias , Lewicka-Szczebak Dominika , Lewicki Maciej Piotr , Well Reinhard , McIlvin Matthew R , Altabet Mark A , Toyoda Sakae , Kuroki Natsuko , Yoshida Naohiro , Ishijima Kentaro , Tohjima Yasunori , Machida Toshinobu , Yu Longfei , Harris Eliza , Lewicka-Szczebak Dominika , Barthel M , Blomberg Margareta RA , Harris Stephen J , Johnson Matthew S , Lehmann Moritz F , Liisberg Jesper , Müller Christoph , Ostrom Nathaniel E , Six Johan , Toyoda Sakae , Yoshida Naohiro , Mohn Joachim .

Title: Nitrous oxide measurements in the Benguela Upwelling System during METEOR cruise M157
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2023
Authors: Dangl Gabriela , Frey Claudia , Hassenrück Christiane , Sabbaghzadeh Bita , Wäge-Recchioni Janine , Lehmann Moritz F , Ley Martin , Rehder Gregor , Jürgens Klaus , Dangl Gabriela , Frey Claudia , Hassenrück Christiane , Sabbaghzadeh Bita , Wäge-Recchioni Janine , Lehmann Moritz F , Ley Martin , Rehder Gregor , Jürgens Klaus , Dangl Gabriela , Frey Claudia , Hassenrück Christiane , Sabbaghzadeh Bita , Wäge-Recchioni Janine , Lehmann Moritz F , Ley Martin , Rehder Gregor , Jürgens Klaus , Dangl Gabriela , Frey Claudia , Hassenrück Christiane , Sabbaghzadeh Bita , Wäge-Recchioni Janine , Lehmann Moritz F , Ley Martin , Rehder Gregor , Jürgens Klaus , Sabbaghzadeh Bita , Glockzin Michael , Rehder Gregor , Zabel Matthias , Lewicka-Szczebak Dominika , Lewicki Maciej Piotr , Well Reinhard , McIlvin Matthew R , Altabet Mark A , Toyoda Sakae , Kuroki Natsuko , Yoshida Naohiro , Ishijima Kentaro , Tohjima Yasunori , Machida Toshinobu , Yu Longfei , Harris Eliza , Lewicka-Szczebak Dominika , Barthel M , Blomberg Margareta RA , Harris Stephen J , Johnson Matthew S , Lehmann Moritz F , Liisberg Jesper , Müller Christoph , Ostrom Nathaniel E , Six Johan , Toyoda Sakae , Yoshida Naohiro , Mohn Joachim .

Title: Trace gases air daily means during METEOR cruise M157
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2022
Authors: Dangl Gabriela , Frey Claudia , Hassenrück Christiane , Sabbaghzadeh Bita , Wäge-Recchioni Janine , Lehmann Moritz F , Ley Martin , Rehder Gregor , Jürgens Klaus , Dangl Gabriela , Frey Claudia , Hassenrück Christiane , Sabbaghzadeh Bita , Wäge-Recchioni Janine , Lehmann Moritz F , Ley Martin , Rehder Gregor , Jürgens Klaus , Dangl Gabriela , Frey Claudia , Hassenrück Christiane , Sabbaghzadeh Bita , Wäge-Recchioni Janine , Lehmann Moritz F , Ley Martin , Rehder Gregor , Jürgens Klaus , Dangl Gabriela , Frey Claudia , Hassenrück Christiane , Sabbaghzadeh Bita , Wäge-Recchioni Janine , Lehmann Moritz F , Ley Martin , Rehder Gregor , Jürgens Klaus , Sabbaghzadeh Bita , Glockzin Michael , Rehder Gregor , Zabel Matthias , Lewicka-Szczebak Dominika , Lewicki Maciej Piotr , Well Reinhard , McIlvin Matthew R , Altabet Mark A , Toyoda Sakae , Kuroki Natsuko , Yoshida Naohiro , Ishijima Kentaro , Tohjima Yasunori , Machida Toshinobu , Yu Longfei , Harris Eliza , Lewicka-Szczebak Dominika , Barthel M , Blomberg Margareta RA , Harris Stephen J , Johnson Matthew S , Lehmann Moritz F , Liisberg Jesper , Müller Christoph , Ostrom Nathaniel E , Six Johan , Toyoda Sakae , Yoshida Naohiro , Mohn Joachim .

Title: Short Cruise Report RV METEOR Cruise M157
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2020
Source: Expeditionsarchiv FS METEOR
Authors: Dangl Gabriela , Frey Claudia , Hassenrück Christiane , Sabbaghzadeh Bita , Wäge-Recchioni Janine , Lehmann Moritz F , Ley Martin , Rehder Gregor , Jürgens Klaus , Dangl Gabriela , Frey Claudia , Hassenrück Christiane , Sabbaghzadeh Bita , Wäge-Recchioni Janine , Lehmann Moritz F , Ley Martin , Rehder Gregor , Jürgens Klaus , Dangl Gabriela , Frey Claudia , Hassenrück Christiane , Sabbaghzadeh Bita , Wäge-Recchioni Janine , Lehmann Moritz F , Ley Martin , Rehder Gregor , Jürgens Klaus , Dangl Gabriela , Frey Claudia , Hassenrück Christiane , Sabbaghzadeh Bita , Wäge-Recchioni Janine , Lehmann Moritz F , Ley Martin , Rehder Gregor , Jürgens Klaus , Sabbaghzadeh Bita , Glockzin Michael , Rehder Gregor , Zabel Matthias , Lewicka-Szczebak Dominika , Lewicki Maciej Piotr , Well Reinhard , McIlvin Matthew R , Altabet Mark A , Toyoda Sakae , Kuroki Natsuko , Yoshida Naohiro , Ishijima Kentaro , Tohjima Yasunori , Machida Toshinobu , Yu Longfei , Harris Eliza , Lewicka-Szczebak Dominika , Barthel M , Blomberg Margareta RA , Harris Stephen J , Johnson Matthew S , Lehmann Moritz F , Liisberg Jesper , Müller Christoph , Ostrom Nathaniel E , Six Johan , Toyoda Sakae , Yoshida Naohiro , Mohn Joachim .

Title: N2O isotope approaches for source partitioning of N2O production and estimation of N2O reduction – validation with the 15N gas-flux method in laboratory and field studies
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2020
Source: Biogeosciences
Authors: Dangl Gabriela , Frey Claudia , Hassenrück Christiane , Sabbaghzadeh Bita , Wäge-Recchioni Janine , Lehmann Moritz F , Ley Martin , Rehder Gregor , Jürgens Klaus , Dangl Gabriela , Frey Claudia , Hassenrück Christiane , Sabbaghzadeh Bita , Wäge-Recchioni Janine , Lehmann Moritz F , Ley Martin , Rehder Gregor , Jürgens Klaus , Dangl Gabriela , Frey Claudia , Hassenrück Christiane , Sabbaghzadeh Bita , Wäge-Recchioni Janine , Lehmann Moritz F , Ley Martin , Rehder Gregor , Jürgens Klaus , Dangl Gabriela , Frey Claudia , Hassenrück Christiane , Sabbaghzadeh Bita , Wäge-Recchioni Janine , Lehmann Moritz F , Ley Martin , Rehder Gregor , Jürgens Klaus , Sabbaghzadeh Bita , Glockzin Michael , Rehder Gregor , Zabel Matthias , Lewicka-Szczebak Dominika , Lewicki Maciej Piotr , Well Reinhard , McIlvin Matthew R , Altabet Mark A , Toyoda Sakae , Kuroki Natsuko , Yoshida Naohiro , Ishijima Kentaro , Tohjima Yasunori , Machida Toshinobu , Yu Longfei , Harris Eliza , Lewicka-Szczebak Dominika , Barthel M , Blomberg Margareta RA , Harris Stephen J , Johnson Matthew S , Lehmann Moritz F , Liisberg Jesper , Müller Christoph , Ostrom Nathaniel E , Six Johan , Toyoda Sakae , Yoshida Naohiro , Mohn Joachim .

Title: Chemical Conversion of Nitrate and Nitrite to Nitrous Oxide for Nitrogen and Oxygen Isotopic Analysis in Freshwater and Seawater
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2005
Source: Analytical Chemistry
Authors: Dangl Gabriela , Frey Claudia , Hassenrück Christiane , Sabbaghzadeh Bita , Wäge-Recchioni Janine , Lehmann Moritz F , Ley Martin , Rehder Gregor , Jürgens Klaus , Dangl Gabriela , Frey Claudia , Hassenrück Christiane , Sabbaghzadeh Bita , Wäge-Recchioni Janine , Lehmann Moritz F , Ley Martin , Rehder Gregor , Jürgens Klaus , Dangl Gabriela , Frey Claudia , Hassenrück Christiane , Sabbaghzadeh Bita , Wäge-Recchioni Janine , Lehmann Moritz F , Ley Martin , Rehder Gregor , Jürgens Klaus , Dangl Gabriela , Frey Claudia , Hassenrück Christiane , Sabbaghzadeh Bita , Wäge-Recchioni Janine , Lehmann Moritz F , Ley Martin , Rehder Gregor , Jürgens Klaus , Sabbaghzadeh Bita , Glockzin Michael , Rehder Gregor , Zabel Matthias , Lewicka-Szczebak Dominika , Lewicki Maciej Piotr , Well Reinhard , McIlvin Matthew R , Altabet Mark A , Toyoda Sakae , Kuroki Natsuko , Yoshida Naohiro , Ishijima Kentaro , Tohjima Yasunori , Machida Toshinobu , Yu Longfei , Harris Eliza , Lewicka-Szczebak Dominika , Barthel M , Blomberg Margareta RA , Harris Stephen J , Johnson Matthew S , Lehmann Moritz F , Liisberg Jesper , Müller Christoph , Ostrom Nathaniel E , Six Johan , Toyoda Sakae , Yoshida Naohiro , Mohn Joachim .