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δ18O and δ13C stable isotopes of benthic foraminifera Melonis barleeanus from sediment core GeoB9506-1

The present data sets contain the measured stable isotope (d18O and d13C) data on 142 samples of Uvigerina peregrina and 77 of Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi from core GeoB9506-1. Part of the measurements comes from 10cc of sediment collected every 2.5 cm from the gravity core (working/archive halves) from 0 to 260 cm at the GeoB Core Collection at the MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen, Germany. Each sample was (1) washed with deionized water through a 63 µm sieve, then (2) dried for less than 24 hours at 45°C, and (3) dry sieved through 63 µm, 125 µm, 150 µm, and 250 µm. Finally, the washed sediment with a size >150 µm was used to retrieve between 8-10 tests of the used species when possible. The remaining measurements for U. peregrina (from 260 to 978 cm core depth) comes from already washed sediment provided by the GeoB Core Collection at the MARUM. In addition, previously published stable isotope data (d18O and d13C) of 189 samples of Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi and 191 samples of Melonis barleeanus from the same core were added (Mulitza et al., 2022 - and are properly indicated in the data set. Measurements were runned on a Finnigan 252 connected to a Gasbench, at MARUM- Center for Marine Environmental Sciences of the University of Bremen (

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Barragán-Montilla, Sofía (2024). Dataset: δ18O and δ13C stable isotopes of benthic foraminifera Melonis barleeanus from sediment core GeoB9506-1.

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Additional Info

Field Value
Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Barragán-Montilla, Sofía
Given Name Sofía
Family Name Barragán-Montilla
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: GeoB9506-1_MBarleeanus_isotopes
Subject Areas
Name: BiologicalClassification

Name: Paleontology

Related Identifiers
Title: World Atlas of late Quaternary Foraminiferal Oxygen and Carbon Isotope Ratios (WA_Foraminiferal_Isotopes_2022)
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2021
Authors: Mulitza Stefan , Bickert Torsten , Bostock Helen C , Chiessi Cristiano Mazur , Donner Barbara , Govin Aline , Harada Naomi , Huang Enqing , Johnstone Heather J H , Kuhnert Henning , Langner Michael , Lamy Frank , Lembke-Jene Lester , Lisiecki Lorraine E , Lynch-Stieglitz Jean , Max Lars , Mohtadi Mahyar , Mollenhauer Gesine , Muglia Juan , Nürnberg Dirk , Paul André , Rühlemann Carsten , Repschläger Janne , Saraswat Rajeev , Schmittner Andreas , Sikes Elisabeth L , Spielhagen Robert F , Tiedemann Ralf .