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Strontium and barium concentration data from a northeast Pacific Hawaii to Alaska transect

Water samples were collected using Niskin bottles at six oceanographic stations in the northeast Pacific, from Station ALOHA to Resurrection Bay, during cruise CDisK-IV, on board RV Kilo Moana in August 2017. Surface water samples were collected from the ship's underway water system. The samples were filtered through Millipore polyethersulfone (PES) syringe filters into acid clean low-density polyethylene (LDPE) bottles, and acidified with HNO3 to final acid concentration of 0.02-0.4 M. Strontium concentrations were analysed at GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel using an Element-XR high resolution sector field inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (HR-ICP-MS) in medium resolution (M=4000), after dilution at a 1:20 ratio with 1 M HNO3. The analyses were calibrated by standard additions of single element barium solutions into a surface water sample from the subtropical North Atlantic. Strontium concentrations were analysed at the University of Cambridge as Sr/Na ratios using an Agilent Technologies 5100 inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES), using sample-standard bracketing. An IAPSO salinity standard that was previously analysed for its strontium concentration was used as the calibration and bracketing standard. Strontium concentrations were normalised to TEOS-10 absolute salinity of 35 g kg−1.

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Steiner, Zvi (2024). Dataset: Strontium and barium concentration data from a northeast Pacific Hawaii to Alaska transect.

DOI retrieved: 2024

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Steiner, Zvi
Given Name Zvi
Family Name Steiner
Source Creation 2024
Publication Year 2024
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: CDISK-IV_CTD
Subject Areas
Name: Chemistry

Name: Lithosphere

Related Identifiers
Title: The roles of celestine and barite in modulating strontium and barium water column concentrations in the northeast Pacific Ocean
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2024
Source: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
Authors: Steiner Zvi , Turchyn Alexandra V , Ziveri Patrizia , Shiller Alan M , Lam Phoebe J , Paytan Adina , Achterberg Eric Pieter , Steiner Zvi , Antler Gilad , Berelson William M , Crockford Peter W , Dunlea Ann G , Hou Yi , Adkins Jess F , Turchyn Alexandra V , Achterberg Eric Pieter , Steiner Zvi , Landing William M , Bohlin Madeleine S , Greaves Mervyn , Prakash S , Vinaychandran P N , Achterberg Eric Pieter , Steiner Zvi , Rae James W B , Berelson William M , Adkins Jess F , Hou Yi , Dong Sijia , Lampronti Gioliu I , Liu Xuewu , Antler Gilad , Subhas Adam V , Achterberg Eric Pieter , Turchyn Alexandra V , Steiner Zvi , Rae James W B , Berelson William M , Adkins Jess F , Hou Yi , Dong Sijia , Lampronti Gioliu I , Liu Xuewu , Antler Gilad , Subhas Adam V , Achterberg Eric Pieter , Turchyn Alexandra V , Taylor Ben J , Rae James W B , Gray William Robert , Darling Kate F , Burke Andrea , Gersonde Rainer , Abelmann Andrea , Maier Edith , Esper Jan , Ziveri Patrizia , Ziveri Patrizia , Gray William Robert , Anglada-Ortiz Griselda , Manno Clara , Grelaud Michaël , Incarbona Alessandro , Adkins Jess F , Berelson William M .

Title: Major and trace element concentrations of red clay bulk marine sediment from the North Pacific CDisK-IV expedition
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2023
Authors: Steiner Zvi , Turchyn Alexandra V , Ziveri Patrizia , Shiller Alan M , Lam Phoebe J , Paytan Adina , Achterberg Eric Pieter , Steiner Zvi , Antler Gilad , Berelson William M , Crockford Peter W , Dunlea Ann G , Hou Yi , Adkins Jess F , Turchyn Alexandra V , Achterberg Eric Pieter , Steiner Zvi , Landing William M , Bohlin Madeleine S , Greaves Mervyn , Prakash S , Vinaychandran P N , Achterberg Eric Pieter , Steiner Zvi , Rae James W B , Berelson William M , Adkins Jess F , Hou Yi , Dong Sijia , Lampronti Gioliu I , Liu Xuewu , Antler Gilad , Subhas Adam V , Achterberg Eric Pieter , Turchyn Alexandra V , Steiner Zvi , Rae James W B , Berelson William M , Adkins Jess F , Hou Yi , Dong Sijia , Lampronti Gioliu I , Liu Xuewu , Antler Gilad , Subhas Adam V , Achterberg Eric Pieter , Turchyn Alexandra V , Taylor Ben J , Rae James W B , Gray William Robert , Darling Kate F , Burke Andrea , Gersonde Rainer , Abelmann Andrea , Maier Edith , Esper Jan , Ziveri Patrizia , Ziveri Patrizia , Gray William Robert , Anglada-Ortiz Griselda , Manno Clara , Grelaud Michaël , Incarbona Alessandro , Adkins Jess F , Berelson William M .

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Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2022
Authors: Steiner Zvi , Turchyn Alexandra V , Ziveri Patrizia , Shiller Alan M , Lam Phoebe J , Paytan Adina , Achterberg Eric Pieter , Steiner Zvi , Antler Gilad , Berelson William M , Crockford Peter W , Dunlea Ann G , Hou Yi , Adkins Jess F , Turchyn Alexandra V , Achterberg Eric Pieter , Steiner Zvi , Landing William M , Bohlin Madeleine S , Greaves Mervyn , Prakash S , Vinaychandran P N , Achterberg Eric Pieter , Steiner Zvi , Rae James W B , Berelson William M , Adkins Jess F , Hou Yi , Dong Sijia , Lampronti Gioliu I , Liu Xuewu , Antler Gilad , Subhas Adam V , Achterberg Eric Pieter , Turchyn Alexandra V , Steiner Zvi , Rae James W B , Berelson William M , Adkins Jess F , Hou Yi , Dong Sijia , Lampronti Gioliu I , Liu Xuewu , Antler Gilad , Subhas Adam V , Achterberg Eric Pieter , Turchyn Alexandra V , Taylor Ben J , Rae James W B , Gray William Robert , Darling Kate F , Burke Andrea , Gersonde Rainer , Abelmann Andrea , Maier Edith , Esper Jan , Ziveri Patrizia , Ziveri Patrizia , Gray William Robert , Anglada-Ortiz Griselda , Manno Clara , Grelaud Michaël , Incarbona Alessandro , Adkins Jess F , Berelson William M .

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Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2022
Authors: Steiner Zvi , Turchyn Alexandra V , Ziveri Patrizia , Shiller Alan M , Lam Phoebe J , Paytan Adina , Achterberg Eric Pieter , Steiner Zvi , Antler Gilad , Berelson William M , Crockford Peter W , Dunlea Ann G , Hou Yi , Adkins Jess F , Turchyn Alexandra V , Achterberg Eric Pieter , Steiner Zvi , Landing William M , Bohlin Madeleine S , Greaves Mervyn , Prakash S , Vinaychandran P N , Achterberg Eric Pieter , Steiner Zvi , Rae James W B , Berelson William M , Adkins Jess F , Hou Yi , Dong Sijia , Lampronti Gioliu I , Liu Xuewu , Antler Gilad , Subhas Adam V , Achterberg Eric Pieter , Turchyn Alexandra V , Steiner Zvi , Rae James W B , Berelson William M , Adkins Jess F , Hou Yi , Dong Sijia , Lampronti Gioliu I , Liu Xuewu , Antler Gilad , Subhas Adam V , Achterberg Eric Pieter , Turchyn Alexandra V , Taylor Ben J , Rae James W B , Gray William Robert , Darling Kate F , Burke Andrea , Gersonde Rainer , Abelmann Andrea , Maier Edith , Esper Jan , Ziveri Patrizia , Ziveri Patrizia , Gray William Robert , Anglada-Ortiz Griselda , Manno Clara , Grelaud Michaël , Incarbona Alessandro , Adkins Jess F , Berelson William M .

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Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2022
Authors: Steiner Zvi , Turchyn Alexandra V , Ziveri Patrizia , Shiller Alan M , Lam Phoebe J , Paytan Adina , Achterberg Eric Pieter , Steiner Zvi , Antler Gilad , Berelson William M , Crockford Peter W , Dunlea Ann G , Hou Yi , Adkins Jess F , Turchyn Alexandra V , Achterberg Eric Pieter , Steiner Zvi , Landing William M , Bohlin Madeleine S , Greaves Mervyn , Prakash S , Vinaychandran P N , Achterberg Eric Pieter , Steiner Zvi , Rae James W B , Berelson William M , Adkins Jess F , Hou Yi , Dong Sijia , Lampronti Gioliu I , Liu Xuewu , Antler Gilad , Subhas Adam V , Achterberg Eric Pieter , Turchyn Alexandra V , Steiner Zvi , Rae James W B , Berelson William M , Adkins Jess F , Hou Yi , Dong Sijia , Lampronti Gioliu I , Liu Xuewu , Antler Gilad , Subhas Adam V , Achterberg Eric Pieter , Turchyn Alexandra V , Taylor Ben J , Rae James W B , Gray William Robert , Darling Kate F , Burke Andrea , Gersonde Rainer , Abelmann Andrea , Maier Edith , Esper Jan , Ziveri Patrizia , Ziveri Patrizia , Gray William Robert , Anglada-Ortiz Griselda , Manno Clara , Grelaud Michaël , Incarbona Alessandro , Adkins Jess F , Berelson William M .

Title: Plankton net census data of planktic foraminifera taken during the KILO MOANA cruise KM1712 (CDisK IV)
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2018
Authors: Steiner Zvi , Turchyn Alexandra V , Ziveri Patrizia , Shiller Alan M , Lam Phoebe J , Paytan Adina , Achterberg Eric Pieter , Steiner Zvi , Antler Gilad , Berelson William M , Crockford Peter W , Dunlea Ann G , Hou Yi , Adkins Jess F , Turchyn Alexandra V , Achterberg Eric Pieter , Steiner Zvi , Landing William M , Bohlin Madeleine S , Greaves Mervyn , Prakash S , Vinaychandran P N , Achterberg Eric Pieter , Steiner Zvi , Rae James W B , Berelson William M , Adkins Jess F , Hou Yi , Dong Sijia , Lampronti Gioliu I , Liu Xuewu , Antler Gilad , Subhas Adam V , Achterberg Eric Pieter , Turchyn Alexandra V , Steiner Zvi , Rae James W B , Berelson William M , Adkins Jess F , Hou Yi , Dong Sijia , Lampronti Gioliu I , Liu Xuewu , Antler Gilad , Subhas Adam V , Achterberg Eric Pieter , Turchyn Alexandra V , Taylor Ben J , Rae James W B , Gray William Robert , Darling Kate F , Burke Andrea , Gersonde Rainer , Abelmann Andrea , Maier Edith , Esper Jan , Ziveri Patrizia , Ziveri Patrizia , Gray William Robert , Anglada-Ortiz Griselda , Manno Clara , Grelaud Michaël , Incarbona Alessandro , Adkins Jess F , Berelson William M .

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Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2022
Authors: Steiner Zvi , Turchyn Alexandra V , Ziveri Patrizia , Shiller Alan M , Lam Phoebe J , Paytan Adina , Achterberg Eric Pieter , Steiner Zvi , Antler Gilad , Berelson William M , Crockford Peter W , Dunlea Ann G , Hou Yi , Adkins Jess F , Turchyn Alexandra V , Achterberg Eric Pieter , Steiner Zvi , Landing William M , Bohlin Madeleine S , Greaves Mervyn , Prakash S , Vinaychandran P N , Achterberg Eric Pieter , Steiner Zvi , Rae James W B , Berelson William M , Adkins Jess F , Hou Yi , Dong Sijia , Lampronti Gioliu I , Liu Xuewu , Antler Gilad , Subhas Adam V , Achterberg Eric Pieter , Turchyn Alexandra V , Steiner Zvi , Rae James W B , Berelson William M , Adkins Jess F , Hou Yi , Dong Sijia , Lampronti Gioliu I , Liu Xuewu , Antler Gilad , Subhas Adam V , Achterberg Eric Pieter , Turchyn Alexandra V , Taylor Ben J , Rae James W B , Gray William Robert , Darling Kate F , Burke Andrea , Gersonde Rainer , Abelmann Andrea , Maier Edith , Esper Jan , Ziveri Patrizia , Ziveri Patrizia , Gray William Robert , Anglada-Ortiz Griselda , Manno Clara , Grelaud Michaël , Incarbona Alessandro , Adkins Jess F , Berelson William M .