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2.2 wissenschaftlicher datenmarkt

Cite this as

Scholze, Frank, Ulrich, Robert, Goebelbecker, Hans-Jürgen (2021). Dataset: 2.2 wissenschaftlicher datenmarkt.

DOI retrieved: 2021

Additional Info

Field Value
Imported on January 12, 2023
Last update August 4, 2023
License CC BY 4.0 Attribution
Author Scholze, Frank
More Authors
Ulrich, Robert
Goebelbecker, Hans-Jürgen
Source Creation 2021
Putnings, Markus
Neuroth, Heike
Neumann, Janna
Production Year 2021
Publication Year 2021
Subject Areas
Name: Computer Science

Name: Software Technology

Name: Information Technology

Name: Other
Additional: Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft