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Detailed geomorphological mapping based on geographic information systems and remote sensing data of jena and surrounds, germany

Abstract: We present a detailed geomorphological map (1:5000-scale) of a middle mountainous area in Jena, Germany. To overcome limitations associated with traditional field-based approaches and to extend the possibility of manually digital mapping in a structural way, we propose an approach using geographic information systems (GIS) and high-resolution digital data. The geomorphological map features were extracted by manually interpreting and analyzing the combination of different data sources using light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data. A combination of topographic and geological maps, digital orthophotos (DOPs), Google Earth images, field investigations, and derivatives from digital terrain models (DTMs) revealed that it is possible to generate and present the geomorphologic features involved in classical mapping approaches. We found that LiDAR-DTM and land surface parameters (LSPs) can provide better results when incorporating the visual interpretation of multidirectional hillshade and LSP composite maps. The genesis of landforms can be readily identified, and findings enabled us to systematically delineate landforms and geomorphological process domains. Although our approach provides a cost effective, objective, and reproducible alternative for the classical approach, we suggest that further use of digital data should be undertaken to support analysis and applications.

Cite this as

Zangana, Ikram, Otto , Jan-Christoph, Mäusbacher, Roland , Schrott, Lothar (2023). Dataset: Detailed geomorphological mapping based on geographic information systems and remote sensing data of jena and surrounds, germany.

DOI retrieved: 2023

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Field Value
Imported on May 2, 2023
Last update May 2, 2023
License CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication
Author Zangana, Ikram
More Authors
Otto , Jan-Christoph
Mäusbacher, Roland
Schrott, Lothar
Source Creation 2023
Ikram Zangana
Production Year 2019-2021
Publication Year 2023
Subject Areas
Name: Geography