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Abstract: This file contains microscopy data for an experiment that compares Nodal and BMP phenotypes, achieved by either chemical pathway inhibition, overexpression of pathway antagonists or mutants as well as the classifications by EmbryoNet. This data is additional source data for the EmbryoNet paper (Fig. 1 and Extended data Fig. 1).

Cite this as

Čapek, Daniel, Kurzbach, Anica, Müller, Patrick (2023). Dataset: Embryonet_mutant-inhibitor-antagonist-comparison.

DOI retrieved: 2023

Additional Info

Field Value
Imported on May 2, 2023
Last update May 2, 2023
License CC BY 4.0 Attribution
Author Čapek, Daniel
More Authors
Kurzbach, Anica
Müller, Patrick
Source Creation 2023
Universität Konstanz
Production Year 2020-2022
Publication Year 2023
Resource Type Dataset - Multichannel microscopy data for Figure 1g,h
Subject Areas
Name: Biology