Extended Yale B dataset
The Extended Yale B dataset contains 64 images for each of 38 individuals in frontal view and different illumination conditions. -
CMU Faces Dataset
The CMU faces dataset contains 624 images of 20 persons with different poses and expressions, with and without sunglasses. -
Extended Labeled Faces in the Wild (ELFW)
Extended Labeled Faces in-the-Wild (ELFW) dataset is an extension of the Labeled Faces in-the-Wild (LFW) dataset, with additional face-related categories and synthetic objects. -
Labeled Face in the Wild (LFW) dataset
The Labeled Face in the Wild (LFW) dataset is a large-scale face recognition dataset containing over 13,000 images of 130 individuals. -
Bosphorus Database for 3D Face Analysis
A dataset of 105 individuals with varying poses, head rotations, and occlusions. -
Texas 3D Face Recognition Database
A dataset of 118 individuals with a variety of facial expressions and corresponding depth profiles. -
Labeled Faces in the Wild (LFW)
The Labeled Faces in the Wild (LFW) dataset contains 13,233 images from 5,749 identities, with large variations in pose, expression and illumination. -
CMU-PIE face dataset
The dataset used in the paper is the CMU-PIE face dataset, which contains images of 67 subjects with 13 different poses and 21 different illuminations. -
MegaFace dataset for face recognition
The megaface benchmark: 1 million faces for recognition at scale. -
Pass: Protected attribute suppression system for mitigating bias in face reco...
A method for mitigating bias in face recognition systems. -
The CMU MultiPIE dataset is a large collection of face images with multiple attributes. -
Extended Yale B Database
The Extended Yale B database consists of 2414 frontal-face images of 38 subjects. Each subject has around 64 images. The images are cropped and normalized to 192 × 168 under... -
The FaceTracer dataset contains a large collection of face images of children. -
Children Longitudinal Face (CLF)
The Children Longitudinal Face (CLF) dataset contains 3,682 face images of 919 children, in the age range of 2 to 18 years. Each subject has an average of 4 images acquired over... -
Yale-B dataset
The dataset used for testing the proposed method. -
3D Face Model
A 3D face model for pose and illumination invariant face recognition. -
Face recognition using IJB-B and IJB-C datasets. -
GB-CosFace: Rethinking Softmax-based Face Recognition from the Perspective of...
Face recognition using global boundary CosFace (GB-CosFace) loss, which aligns the training objective with the testing process of open set classification.