fMRI dataset
The dataset used in this study is a large-scale fMRI dataset acquired from 499 healthy adults. The dataset contains task-evoked fMRI data, which is preprocessed and registered... -
Strategic Research Program for Brain Science (SRPBS)
The Strategic Research Program for Brain Science (SRPBS) dataset contains T1-weighted structural MRIs acquired from 9 healthy traveling subjects across 12 scanners/settings. -
Open Big Healthy Brains (OpenBHB)
The Open Big Healthy Brains (OpenBHB) dataset contains T1-weighted MRIs from healthy subjects acquired from over 58 centers globally. -
Rotterdam Scan Study
The Rotterdam Scan Study is a population-based study investigating neurological diseases in the middle-aged and elderly. The dataset contains 2017 3D MRI scans from 3 different... -
ATLAS dataset
The ATLAS dataset is used for stroke MRI generation. The dataset contains 220 T1w images, which have diverse stroke lesions. -
Human Connectome Project
Modeling the behavior of coupled networks is challenging due to their intricate dynamics. For example in neuroscience, it is of critical importance to understand the...