5 datasets found

Groups: E-commerce Organizations: No Organization Formats: JSON

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  • Walmart.com dataset

    The Walmart.com dataset consists of ~100,000 shopping cart snapshots with the customers' continual shopping records.
  • Instacart dataset

    The Instacart dataset consists of ~50,000 grocery products, with the shopping records of ~200 thousand users and 3 million orders.
  • Amazon dataset

    The Amazon dataset is used to evaluate the performance of the proposed approach. It consists of 2000 users, 1500 items, 86690 reviews, 7219 number ratings, 3.6113 average number...
  • Tmall Dataset

    The Tmall dataset is a real-world E-commerce dataset that contains multiple types of user behaviors including purchases and views.
  • Amazon Electronics

    The dataset is used for click-through rate (CTR) prediction task in recommender systems.