Ponpare dataset
A public dataset with a coupons website, suitable for evaluating the proposed methodology. -
Ali-mobile taobao
The dataset is a user-item interaction graph, with 1 billion users and tens of million items. -
Spectral Approach to Item Response Theory
The dataset used in the paper is a real-life dataset from education testing, recommendation systems, and finance. It contains user-item binary response data. -
TWIN V2: Scaling Ultra-Long User Behavior Sequence Modeling for Enhanced CTR ...
The dataset is a large-scale industrial dataset collected from Kuaishou, containing user interaction data with click-through as labels. The dataset has a maximum history length... -
The dataset used in the Controllable Gradient Item Retrieval paper, which consists of user-item interaction data and item-attribute relation data. -
MovieLens 1M
The associated task is to predict the movie rating on a 5-star scale. This dataset contains 6,040 users, 3,900 movies, and 1,000,209 ratings, i.e., rating matrix is 4.26% full. -
The dataset used in the paper is a user-item bipartite graph, where each user and item is represented as a node, and the edges between them represent the interactions between... -
MovieLens 20M Dataset
The dataset used in this paper is a high-rating movie recommendation system. The objective of the system is to recommend high-rating movies to users, but the ratings for the... -
VideoRerank Dataset
The VideoRerank dataset is derived from Kuaishou, a widely used short-video application with a user base of over 300 million daily active users. Each sample in the dataset... -
Avito Dataset
The Avito dataset is a publicly available collection of user search logs. Each sample represents a search page containing multiple ads, forming a really impressive list with... -
The dataset used in the paper is a series of datasets introduced in [46], comprising large corpora of product reviews crawled from Amazon.com. Top-level product categories on... -
Music, Book, Amazon, and Yelp
The dataset used in the paper is Music, Book, Amazon, and Yelp. The dataset contains user-item interactions and knowledge graph information. -
Synthetic Dataset
The dataset used in this work is a custom synthetic dataset generated using the liquid-dsp library, containing 600000 examples of each of 13.8 million examples, with SNRs... -
Amazon Electronics
The dataset is used for click-through rate (CTR) prediction task in recommender systems.