Synthetic graphons
Synthetic graphons with different resolutions and structures -
Stochastic Cross-Block Model
A dataset for generative network models that exhibit predefined ambiguity in their mesoscale structure. -
Protein Interaction Network
The dataset used in the paper is a protein interaction network with 82 nodes, where each node has a classification of one of 6 experimental modifications observed from the... -
Microbiome Subject Similarity Network
The dataset used in the paper is a microbiome subject similarity network with 121 nodes, where each node has a 130-dimensional vector of attributes (counts) -
Synthetic Network
The dataset used in the paper is a synthetic network with 200 nodes and 4 communities, parameterized as follows: p(Aij = 1) ∼ Bernoulli(.10), Bernoulli(.25), if zi (cid:54)= zj... -
Public Transport Network Data Sets
A collection of public transport network data sets for 25 cities -
Synthetic dataset for epidemic spread
The dataset used in this paper is a synthetic dataset generated on random geometric graphs with different graph densities and sizes.