ATM Card Reader
The dataset is used for training and testing the DAD:DeepAnomalyDetection algorithm. It contains observations from an ATM card reader device, including energy consumption signals. -
CTU-13 dataset
The CTU-13 dataset is a network capture dataset containing 13 malware traffic captures, consisting of both benign and malware traffic. -
Data-agnostic face image synthesis detection using Bayesian CNNs
Face image synthesis detection is considerably gaining attention because of the potential negative impact on society that this type of synthetic data brings. In this paper, we... -
Pixel-wise Gaussian AD visualization (ResNet18, MVTecAD)
Anomaly detection in images using multivariate Gaussian and whitening transformation -
The Arrhythmia dataset is a collection of 452 electrocardiogram (ECG) records, each containing 10 minutes of ECG data. The dataset is used for classification tasks, such as... -
Learning from Multiple Expert Annotators for Enhancing Anomaly Detection in M...
The proposed method uses Weighted Boxes Fusion (WBF) algorithm to obtain the aggregated annotations with the implicit annotators' agreement as confidence scores. The estimated... -
MVTec and VisA datasets
The MVTec and VisA datasets are used for anomaly detection. -
PromptAD: Learning Prompts with only Normal Samples for Few-Shot Anomaly Dete...
The MVTec and VisA datasets are used for few-shot anomaly detection. -
TFDS-RP dataset
The TFDS-RP dataset is a real-time unsupervised anomaly detection dataset with localization, focusing on freight train monitoring applications. -
Arrhythmia dataset
The dataset used in this paper is a real-world arrhythmia dataset for evaluating the resilience of linear classification algorithms under training data attacks. -
Subway Exit
The Subway Exit dataset contains video clips of people leaving a train station. -
Subway Entrance
The Subway Entrance dataset contains video clips of people waiting to board a train. -
UCSD Pedestrian 2
The UCSD Pedestrian 2 dataset contains video clips of two different walkways. -
UCSD Pedestrian 1
The UCSD Pedestrian 1 dataset contains video clips of two different walkways. -
Solar Anomaly Dataset
A dataset of two years of solar generation data from a real home and a manually generated dataset of multiple solar faults. -
Virtual Machine Performance Metrics
The dataset used in this paper is a collection of performance metrics for virtual machines in a microservices-based system. -
Spot-the-difference self-supervised pre-training for anomaly detection and segmentation.