6 datasets found

Tags: Implicit Feedback

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  • CiteULike

    CiteULike is a user-article dataset, where each article has a 300-dimension tf-idf vector. XING is a user-view-job dataset where each job is described by a 2738-dimension...
  • Pinterest

    The dataset used in the paper is a collection of implicit interactions gathered from various sources, including social networks and online communities.
  • Movielens1M

    The dataset used in the paper is a collection of implicit interactions gathered from various sources, including music websites, movie ratings, book clubs, social networks, and...
  • MovieLens-100k

    The dataset used in the paper is a user-item bipartite graph, where each user and item is represented as a node, and the edges between them represent the interactions between...
  • MovieLens

    The dataset is a movie review dataset with five types of nodes (movie, director, tag, writer, and user) and four types of edges (movie-director relation, movie-tag relation,...
  • ML-20M

    A recommender system generates personalized recommendations for a user by computing the preference score of items, sorting the items according to the score, and filtering top-K...