21 datasets found

Tags: recommender systems

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  • bAbI Movie Dialog dataset

    The bAbI Movie Dialog dataset is a synthetic dataset containing elementary tasks such as selecting an answer between one or more candidate facts, answering yes/no questions,...
  • Amazon dataset

    The Amazon dataset is used to evaluate the performance of the proposed approach. It consists of 2000 users, 1500 items, 86690 reviews, 7219 number ratings, 3.6113 average number...
  • Simplified Simulated Dataset

    A simplified simulated dataset showing varying user preferences over time and how this can be evaluated with static and dynamic learning algorithms.
  • Music Corpus

    The dataset used for term clustering to build a modular ontology according to core ontology from domain-specific text.
  • Epinions

    The Epinions dataset is a large-scale opinion mining dataset. It contains 1 million user-item interactions and is widely used for evaluating the performance of recommender systems.
  • Movielens Tag Genome dataset

    The Movielens Tag Genome dataset contains 3952 movies, 6040 users and 1 million ratings.
  • MART dataset

    The MART dataset contains 500 art pieces by professional artists and 10 thousand ratings by 100 people (74 females, ages 18–65).
  • LastFM

    The dataset used in the paper is a collection of explicit interactions gathered from various sources, including music websites, movie ratings, book clubs, social networks, and...
  • Yahoo

    The Yahoo dataset used for training and testing the proposed model, containing leaked passwords.
  • KuaiRec-big

    The KuaiRec-big dataset is a recommender system dataset jointly released by the University of Science and Technology of China and the Kuaishou Community Science Research...
  • MovieLens-100k

    The dataset used in the paper is a user-item bipartite graph, where each user and item is represented as a node, and the edges between them represent the interactions between...
  • Yelp Dataset Challenge

    The Yelp dataset challenge contains reviews and images of restaurants, with the goal of recommending images for each review.
  • Douban

    Click-Through Rate (CTR) prediction plays a core role in recommender systems, serving as the final-stage filter to rank items for a user. The key to addressing the CTR task is...
  • MovieLens dataset

    The MovieLens dataset contains questions answerable using Wikidata as the knowledge graph, focusing on questions with a single entity and relation.
  • MovieLens

    The dataset is a movie review dataset with five types of nodes (movie, director, tag, writer, and user) and four types of edges (movie-director relation, movie-tag relation,...
  • Amazon

    The dataset used in the paper is a series of datasets introduced in [46], comprising large corpora of product reviews crawled from Amazon.com. Top-level product categories on...
  • Leave No User Behind: Towards Improving the Utility of Recommender Systems fo...

    This dataset is used for the experiment of improving the utility of recommender systems for non-mainstream users.
  • Mitigating Mainstream Bias in Recommendation via Cost-sensitive Learning

    This dataset is used for the experiment of mitigating mainstream bias in recommender systems.
  • Mobile Taobao

    The dataset is used for click-through rate (CTR) prediction task in recommender systems.
  • Amazon Electronics

    The dataset is used for click-through rate (CTR) prediction task in recommender systems.