7 datasets found

Tags: user behavior

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  • Anime

    The dataset is a two-mode tensor depicting binary (user, anime) preferences. The tensor contains 1, 300, 160 observed entries, of size 25, 838 × 4, 066.
  • LastFM

    The dataset used in the paper is a collection of explicit interactions gathered from various sources, including music websites, movie ratings, book clubs, social networks, and...
  • Yahoo

    The Yahoo dataset used for training and testing the proposed model, containing leaked passwords.
  • Book-Crossing

    The Book-Crossing dataset is a book rating dataset that contains rating records of books by users from the Book-Crossing community.
  • MovieLens dataset

    The MovieLens dataset contains questions answerable using Wikidata as the knowledge graph, focusing on questions with a single entity and relation.
  • Amazon-Book

    The Amazon-Book dataset contains user-item interaction data, which is used to evaluate the performance of recommender systems.
  • Gowalla

    The Gowalla dataset contains user-item interaction data, which is used to evaluate the performance of recommender systems.