Explainable Computational Creativity (XCC) dataset
The dataset used in the paper is not explicitly described, but it is mentioned that it is a dataset for Explainable Computational Creativity (XCC) systems. -
The HateXplain dataset, containing 20,000 posts from Gab and Twitter, annotated with hate/offensive/normal labels. -
Learning Interpretable Queries for Explainable Image Classification with Info...
Information Pursuit (IP) is an explainable prediction algorithm that greedily selects a sequence of interpretable queries about the data in order of information gain, updating... -
Using Decision Tree as Local Interpretable Model in Autoencoder-based LIME
The paper introduces a new version of ALIME, which uses a decision tree instead of a linear model as the locally interpretable model. -
Automatic Concept Embedding Model (ACEM)
Automatic Concept Embedding Model (ACEM) is a model that learns concept annotations automatically, without requiring concept annotations for all training data. -
Explainable AI for AML genetic subtype classification
Explainable AI for AML genetic subtype classification