29 datasets found

Tags: Emotion Recognition

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  • IEMOCAP dataset

    The IEMOCAP dataset contains five recording sessions, each with one male speaker and one female speaker.

    RECOLA contains audio-visual recordings of spontaneous interactions of 27 French-speaking participants in a remote collaborative task

    The E-MASAC dataset is a comprehensive dataset for Emotion Recognition in Conversation (ERC) for code-mixed dialogues, specifically for Hindi-English conversations.
  • DAIC-WOZ dataset

    A dataset collected remotely through an interactive smartphone application that was available to the U.S. general population through Google Play and Apple App Store under IRB...
  • EmoPain dataset

    The EmoPain dataset consists of sequential data from multiple modalities and in unconstrained settings where there are bound to be uncertainties (e.g. in form of sensor noise)...
  • EmotiW 2017

    The dataset used for the Emotion Recognition in the Wild Challenge 2017
  • SEED

    The SEED dataset contains 15 subjects recorded while watching movie clips designated with a negative/neutral/positive emotion label.
  • DEAP

    A large-scale city-wise dataset for exploring the relationships among air pollutants and their causal agents over time.
  • MUG Facial Expression Database

    The mug facial expression database is a facial expression dataset containing 882 videos of 52 actors performing 6 different facial expressions.
  • Emotions recognition using EEG signals: A survey

    Emotions recognition using EEG signals: A survey.
  • Deep Recurrent Semi-Supervised EEG Representation Learning for Emotion Recogn...

    EEG-based emotion recognition often requires sufficient labeled training samples to build an effective computational model. Labeling EEG data, on the other hand, is often...
  • Aff-Wild2

    Aff-Wild2 is a large-scale in-the-wild database for affective behavior analysis, containing 564 videos with frame-level annotations for valence-arousal estimation, facial action...
  • AffectNet Test Dataset

    A dataset used for testing the proposed Adaptive DBN model
  • OMG Emotion Behavior Dataset

    The OMG Emotion Behavior Dataset is a multimodal emotion recognition dataset, consisting of 178 long videos divided into 2725 short utterances of varying length.
  • Jan9-2012-tweets-clean.txt

    The dataset consists of published datasets from available sources containing labelled sentences of natural language (English) with eight emotions.
  • National Research Council (NRC)-Tweet Emotion Intensity Dataset

    The dataset consists of published datasets from available sources containing labelled sentences of natural language (English) with eight emotions.
  • Emotion-Oriented Behavior Model Using Deep Learning

    The proposed model predicts the agent's emotion against each interaction with a human or against events to make it more cognitive and socially believable.

    RAVDESS (Ryerson Audio-Visual Database of Emotional Speech and Song) dataset contains 24 professional actors (12 female, 12 male) to offer the performance with good quality and...

    The EMODB dataset is a German language speech library containing about 535 audio clips, each ranging from 1 to 10 seconds long, covering seven different emotional expressions.
  • EmotiW

    The EmotiW dataset contains videos of 78 students in online classroom setting.