MAHNOB dataset for emotion recognition
The MAHNOB dataset is a collection of physiological signals (EEG, EDA, facial expressions, and speech) for emotion recognition. -
SEED dataset for emotion recognition
The SEED dataset is a collection of physiological signals (EEG, EDA, facial expressions, and speech) for emotion recognition. -
DEAP dataset for emotion recognition
The DEAP dataset is a collection of physiological signals (EEG, EDA, facial expressions, and speech) for emotion recognition. -
PMEmo dataset for emotion recognition
User independent emotion recognition with large scale physiologically signals is a tough problem. The PMEmo dataset is the currently largest dataset with EDA and music signals... -
Duchenne smile dataset
The Duchenne smile dataset contains images of Duchenne smiles and non-Duchenne smiles. The dataset is used for facial expression analysis. -
SEED-V Dataset
Emotion recognition based on Electroencephalography (EEG) has gained significant attention and diversified development in fields such as neural signal processing and affective... -
SEED Dataset
Emotion recognition based on Electroencephalography (EEG) has gained significant attention and diversified development in fields such as neural signal processing and affective...