Face Detection and Recognition using Viola Jones and BPNN
The dataset used for face detection and recognition using Viola Jones algorithm and Back Propagation Neural Network. -
A Convolutional Neural Network Cascade for Face Detection
The Face Recognition dataset is used for face detection and recognition tasks. -
Specs on Faces (SoF) dataset
The Specs on Faces (SoF) dataset is a challenging dataset for face detection, recognition, and classification. -
Wider-Face dataset for face detection -
Labeled Faces in the Wild
The dataset is a 4-way array of dimensions 4000 × 90 × 90 × 3, where each pixel gives the intensity for colors red, green and blue, resulting in a multiway array of dimensions X... -
Morph dataset
The MORPH dataset consists of 35,276 images of 8,835 Caucasian males, 10,941 images of 2,798 Caucasian females, 56,245 images of 8,839 African-American males, and 24,855 images...