10 datasets found

Groups: Crowded Scenes Organizations: No Organization

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  • MOT20

    The dataset used for the MOT20 challenge, which consists of 8 different sequences depicting very crowded challenging scenes.
  • UCY

    Pedestrian trajectory prediction is an important component in a range of applications such as social robots and self-driving vehicles, and plays a key role in understanding...
  • ETH

    Pedestrian trajectory forecasting is a fundamental task in multiple utility areas, such as self-driving, autonomous robots, and surveillance systems. The future trajectory...
  • Anomaly detection and localization in crowded scenes

    Anomaly detection and localization in crowded scenes.
  • UCSD Pedestrian dataset

    A benchmark dataset for anomaly detection in crowded scenes
  • ProgS-RCNN

    ProgS-RCNN: Progressive End-to-End Object Detection in Crowded Scenes
  • CrowdAug

    Crowded object detection via copy-paste
  • CrowdHuman

    CrowdHuman is a challenging benchmark to evaluate the ability of crowded scene detection of detectors, which contains about 15k training images and 4k images for evaluation.
  • UCSD Ped2

    A benchmark for anomaly detection in crowded scenes. It contains 19600 frames captured using two different cameras.
  • CityPersons

    The dataset used for pedestrian detection, occlusion and body part relevance assessment.