19 datasets found

Tags: Image Classification

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  • Xception: Deep Learning with Depthwise Separable Convolutions

    Xception: A deep neural network architecture for image classification and segmentation.
  • Caltech-UCSD Birds-200-2011 Dataset

    The Caltech-UCSD Birds-200-2011 Dataset consists of 11,169 bird images from 200 categories and each category has 60 images averagely.
  • Microsoft COCO Dataset

    The MS COCO 2014 Dataset contains images of 91 object categories, which contains 82783 training images, 40504 validation images and 40775 testing images.
  • UAVid Dataset

    UAVid is a dataset for semantic segmentation of UAV images, containing 420 images with 8 classes.
  • Pascal VOC 2012

    The dataset used in the paper is the Pascal VOC 2012 dataset, which is a benchmark for instance segmentation. The dataset consists of 1464 images with 20 class categories and...
  • COCO Stuff

    COCO Stuff dataset is an extension of the COCO dataset, 164,000 images covering 171 classes are annotated with segmentation masks.
  • Microsoft Common Objects in Context (COCO) dataset

    The Microsoft Common Objects in Context (COCO) dataset is a benchmark for object detection, segmentation, and image classification.
  • Synthetic Data

    The dataset used in the paper is a synthetic dataset for off-policy contextual bandits, with contexts x ∈ X, a finite set of actions A, and bounded real rewards r ∈ A → [0, 1].

    A dataset of textual entailment tasks, used for evaluating the ability of language models to understand relationships between texts.
  • PASCAL VOC 2007

    Multi-label image recognition is a practical and challenging task compared to single-label image classification.
  • AFHQ

    The dataset used in the paper is a set of images from the AFHQ dataset, containing 1.5K images of different animal faces.
  • Pascal VOC

    Semantic segmentation is a crucial and challenging task for image understanding. It aims to predict a dense labeling map for the input image, which assigns each pixel a unique...
  • COCO Dataset

    The COCO dataset is a large-scale dataset for object detection, semantic segmentation, and captioning. It contains 80 object categories and 1,000 image instances per category,...

    Large scale datasets [18, 17, 27, 6] boosted text conditional image generation quality. However, in some domains it could be difficult to make such datasets and usually it could...
  • LSUN

    The dataset used for training and validation of the proposed approach to combine semantic segmentation and dense outlier detection.
  • LVIS

    Instance segmentation (IS) is an important computer vision task, aiming at simultaneously predicting the class label and the binary mask for each instance of interest in an image.
  • Cityscapes

    The Cityscapes dataset is a large and famous city street scene semantic segmentation dataset. 19 classes of which 30 classes of this dataset are considered for training and...
  • Microsoft COCO

    The Microsoft COCO dataset was used for training and evaluating the CNNs because it has become a standard benchmark for testing algorithms aimed at scene understanding and...
  • COCO

    Large scale datasets [18, 17, 27, 6] boosted text conditional image generation quality. However, in some domains it could be difficult to make such datasets and usually it could...