8 datasets found

Tags: videos

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  • Breakfast dataset

    The Breakfast dataset is another dataset used in the paper, which contains 712 videos of people performing various activities, such as making coffee or scrambling eggs. The...
  • SoccerNet-v2

    SoccerNet-v2 is a large-scale dataset for action spotting in soccer videos, containing over 110K action labels.
  • Kinetics dataset

    The Kinetics dataset is a large-scale action recognition dataset. It contains videos of various actions performed by humans, with annotations of the actions performed.
  • Kinetics-400

    Motion has shown to be useful for video understanding, where motion is typically represented by optical flow. However, computing flow from video frames is very time-consuming....
  • Avenue

    The Avenue data set consists of 16 training videos with a total 15328 frames and 21 test videos with a total of 15324.
  • UCF101

    The UCF101 dataset contains 13320 videos distributed in 101 action categories. This dataset is different from the above ones in that it contains mostly coarse sports activities...
  • HMDB51

    Video classification is a fundamental problem in many video-based tasks. Applications such as autonomous driving technology, controlling drones and robots are driving the demand...
  • Kinetics

    The Kinetics dataset is a large-scale human action dataset, which consists of 400 action classes where each category has more than 400 videos.