Climate Hazards group Infrared Precipitation with Stations (CHIRPS)
Climate Hazards group Infrared Precipitation with Stations (CHIRPS) dataset, a global interpolated dataset of daily precipitation providing a spatial resolution of 0.05 degrees. -
NASA's MERRA database
NASA's MERRA database, Renewables.ninja service -
Illinois Climate Dataset
The dataset used in the experiments is the hourly climate normals in Illinois state, including five stations. -
Rainfall data
Rainfall data -
Climate Reanalysis Data
Climate reanalysis data produced by the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia (UEA) (Mitchell and Jones, 2005). -
Monthly CO2 concentration data
Monthly CO2 concentration data are from Mauna Loa, provided by the NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory. -
Daily AT data
Daily AT data are based on Rohde and Hausfather (2020). -
Sea Ice Index, Version 3
Daily SIE data are from Sea Ice Index, Version 3 (Fetterer et al., 2017b) provided by the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC). -
FLUXNET-CH4 dataset
The dataset used in this study is FLUXNET-CH4, a global network of sites that provides continuous, high-frequency, and quality-checked eddy covariance CH! flux measurements. -
MAT dataset
The MAT dataset contains the mean annual temperature in North America. -
AHM dataset
The AHM dataset contains the annual heat-moisture index and mean annual temperature in North America. -
Climate data from GFDL-ESM2G model -
CDC Climate Dataset
The CDC climate dataset contains environmental indicators including air temperature, land temperature, precipitation, sunlight, and pm2.5, averaged over 2008. -
CO2 concentration dataset
The dataset used in the paper is a real CO2 concentration dataset. -
Daymet North America Daily Surface Temperature
Daymet land surface temperature data set for North America, containing the maximum daily temperature field across North America -
NOAA sea surface temperature
NOAA sea surface temperature data set, containing the sea surface temperature weekly on a 1 degree grid across the period 1981-2018 -
ERA5 dataset
The ERA5 dataset from the WeatherBench repository, where each global sample of Z500 at every hour is downsampled to a rectangular longitude-latitude (x, y) grid of 32 × 64.